inspirehep.modules.orcid package


inspirehep.modules.orcid.builder module

Builds an ORCID work record.

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.builder.OrcidBuilder[source]

Bases: object

Class used to build ORCID-compatible work records in JSON.

add_arxiv(value, relationship=None)[source]

Add arXiv identifier to the record.

  • value (string) – the identifier itself
  • relationship (string) – either “part-of” or “self”, optional, see OrcidBuilder._make_external_id_field
add_citation(_type, value)[source]

Add a citation string.

add_contributor(credit_name, role='author', orcid=None, email=None)[source]

Adds a contributor entry to the record.

  • credit_name (string) – contributor’s name
  • orcid (string) – ORCID identifier string
  • role (string) – role, see OrcidBuilder._make_contributor_field
  • email (string) – contributor’s email address

Set country if the ORCID record.

Parameters:country_code (string) – ISO ALPHA-2 country code
add_doi(value, relationship=None)[source]

Add DOI to the record.

  • value (string) – the identifier itself
  • relationship (string) – either “part-of” or “self”, optional, see OrcidBuilder._make_external_id_field
add_external_id(type, value, url=None, relationship=None)[source]

Add external identifier to the record.

  • type (string) – type of external ID (doi, etc.)
  • value (string) – the identifier itself
  • url (string) – URL for the resource
  • relationship (string) – either “part-of” or “self”, optional, see OrcidBuilder._make_external_id_field

Set title of the publication containing the record.

Parameters:journal_title (string) –

Title of publication containing the record.

After ORCID v2.0 schema ( “The title of the publication or group under which the work was published. - If a journal, include the journal title of the work. - If a book chapter, use the book title. - If a translation or a manual, use the series title. - If a dictionary entry, use the dictionary title. - If a conference poster, abstract or paper, use the conference name.”


Set publication date field.

Parameters:partial_date ( – publication date
add_recid(value, url, relationship=None)[source]

Add Inspire recid to the record.

  • value (string) – the recid.
  • url (string) – url to the Inspire record.
  • relationship (string) – either “part-of” or “self”, optional, see OrcidBuilder._make_external_id_field
add_title(title, subtitle=None, translated_title=None)[source]

Set a title of the work, and optionaly a subtitle.

  • title (string) – title of the work
  • subtitle (string) – subtitle of the work
  • translated_title (Tuple[string, string]) – tuple consiting of the translated title and its language code

Add a work type.

Parameters:work_type (string) – type of work, see:

Add a url.

Parameters:url (string) – alternative url of the record

Get an XML record.

Returns:ORCID work record compatible with API v2.0
Return type:lxml.etree._Element

Set the put-code of an ORCID record, to update existing one.

Parameters:put_code (string | integer) – a number, being a put code

Set visibility setting on ORCID.

Can only be set during record creation.

Parameters:visibility (string) – one of (private, limited, registered-only, public), see

inspirehep.modules.orcid.cache module

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.cache.OrcidCache(orcid, recid)[source]

Bases: object


Delete the putcode for the given (orcid, recid).


True if the work content has changed compared to the cached version.

Parameters:inspire_record (InspireRecord) – InspireRecord instance. If provided, the hash for the record content is re-computed.

Read the putcode for the given (orcid, recid).


Write the putcode and the hash for the given (orcid, recid).

  • putcode (string) – the putcode used to push the record to ORCID.
  • inspire_record (InspireRecord) – InspireRecord instance. If provided, the hash for the record content is re-computed.

ValueError – when the putcode is empty.

inspirehep.modules.orcid.converter module

Handle conversion from INSPIRE records to ORCID.

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.converter.ExternalIdentifier(type, value)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.converter.OrcidConverter(record, url_pattern, put_code=None, visibility=None)[source]

Bases: object

Coverter for the Orcid format.

INSPIRE_DOCTYPE_TO_ORCID_TYPE = {'note': 'other', 'proceedings': 'edited-book', 'book': 'book', 'book chapter': 'book-chapter', 'thesis': 'dissertation', 'conference paper': 'conference-paper', 'report': 'report', 'article': 'journal-article', 'activity report': 'report'}
INSPIRE_TO_ORCID_ROLES_MAP = {'supervisor': None, 'editor': 'editor', 'author': 'author'}

Get arXiv ID of a record.


Get record’s book series title.


Get conference record country.


Get record’s conference title.


Get DOI of a record.


Create an ORCID XML representation of the record.

Parameters:do_add_bibtex_citation (bool) – True to add BibTeX-serialized record
Returns:ORCID XML work record
Return type:lxml.etree._Element

Get record’s journal title.


ORCID identifier for an INSPIRE author field.

Parameters:author (dict) – an author field from INSPIRE literature record
Returns:ORCID identifier of an author, if available
Return type:string

ORCID role for an INSPIRE author field.

Parameters:author (dict) – an author field from INSPIRE literature record
Returns:ORCID role of a person
Return type:string

Get record’s ORCID work type.


(Partial) date of publication.

Returns:publication date
Return type:partial_date (

Get INSPIRE record ID.


Get record subtitle.


Get record title.


Translated title.

Returns:translated title and the language code of the translation, if available
Return type:Tuple[string, string]

inspirehep.modules.orcid.domain_models module

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.domain_models.OrcidPusher(orcid, recid, oauth_token, do_fail_if_duplicated_identifier=False, record_db_version=None)[source]

Bases: object


inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions module

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.DuplicatedExternalIdentifierPusherException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

The underneath Orcid service client response raised DuplicatedExternalIdentifierPusherException. We checked for the clashing work, pushed it and repeated the original operation which failed again.

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.InputDataInvalidException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

The underneath Orcid service client response included an error related to input data like TokenInvalidException, OrcidNotFoundException, PutcodeNotFoundPutException. Note: that re-trying would not help in this case.

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.PutcodeNotFoundInCacheAfterCachingAllPutcodes(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

No putcode was found in cache after having cached all author putcodes.

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.PutcodeNotFoundInOrcidException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

No putcode was found in ORCID API.

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.RecordNotFoundException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.StaleRecordDBVersionException(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: inspirehep.modules.orcid.exceptions.BaseOrcidPusherException

inspirehep.modules.orcid.ext module

Search extension.

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.ext.InspireOrcid(app=None)[source]

Bases: object


inspirehep.modules.orcid.putcode_getter module

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.putcode_getter.OrcidPutcodeGetter(orcid, oauth_token)[source]

Bases: object


Query ORCID api and get all the Inspire putcodes for the given ORCID.


Yield putcode and recid for each work matched by the external identifiers. Note: external identifiers of type ‘other-id’ are skipped.

Parameters:identifiers (List[inspirehep.modules.orcid.converter.ExternalIdentifier]) – list af all external identifiers added after the xml conversion.

inspirehep.modules.orcid.tasks module

Manage ORCID OAUTH token migration from INSPIRE legacy instance.

exception inspirehep.modules.orcid.tasks.RemoteTokenOrcidMismatch(user, orcids)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


Celery task to import OAUTH ORCID tokens from legacy. Note: bind=True for compatibility with @time_execution.


Generator to fetch token data from redis.

Note: this function consumes the queue populated by the legacy tasklet: inspire/bibtasklets/

Yields:list – user data in the form of [orcid, token, email, name]

Celery task to push a record to ORCID.

  • self (celery.Task) – the task
  • orcid (String) – an orcid identifier.
  • rec_id (Int) – inspire record’s id to push to ORCID.
  • oauth_token (String) – orcid token.
  • kwargs_to_pusher (Dict) – extra kwargs to pass to the pusher object.

inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils module

ORCID utils.

class inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils.RetryMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]


retry(*args, **kwargs)[source]
inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils.account_setup(remote, token, resp)[source]

Perform additional setup after user have been logged in.

This is a modified version of invenio_oauthclient.contrib.orcid.account_setup that stores additional metadata.

  • remote – The remote application.
  • token – The token value.
  • resp – The response.
inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils.apply_celery_task_with_retry(task_func, args=None, kwargs=None, max_retries=5, countdown=10, time_limit=None)[source]

When executing a (bind=True) task synchronously (with mytask.apply() or just calling it as a function mytask()) the self.retry() does not work, but the original exception is raised (without any retry) so you “lose” the exception management logic written in the task code.

This function overcome such limitation. Example:

# Celery task: @shared_task(bind=True) def normalize_name_task(self, first_name, last_name, nick_name=’‘):

result = ... network call ...
except RequestException as exc:
exception = None

raise self.retry(max_retries=3, countdown=5, exc=exception)

return result

# Call the task sync with retry: result = apply_celery_task_with_retry(

normalize_name_task, args=(‘John’, ‘Doe’), kwargs=dict(nick_name=’Dee’), max_retries=2, countdown=5*60, time_limit=2*60*60


Note: it assumes that @shared_task is the first (the one on top) decorator for the Celery task.

  • task_func – Celery task function to be run.
  • args – the positional arguments to pass on to the task.
  • kwargs – the keyword arguments to pass on to the task.
  • max_retries – maximum number of retries before raising MaxRetriesExceededError.
  • countdown

    hard time limit for each attempt. If the last attempt It can be a callable, eg:

    backoff = lambda retry_count: 2 ** (retry_count + 1) apply_celery_task_with_retry(..., countdown=backoff)
  • time_limit – hard time limit for each single attempt in seconds. If the last attempt fails because of the time limit, raises TimeLimitExceeded.

Returns: what the task_func returns.


Return the Literature recids that were claimed by an ORCiD.

We record the fact that the Author record X has claimed the Literature record Y by storing in Y an author object with a $ref pointing to X and the key curated_relation set to True. Therefore this method first searches the DB for the Author records for the one containing the given ORCiD, and then uses its recid to search in ES for the Literature records that satisfy the above property.

Parameters:orcid (str) – the ORCiD.
Returns:the recids of the Literature records that were claimed by that ORCiD.
Return type:list(int)

Obtain the ORCIDs associated to the list of authors in the Literature record.

The ORCIDs are looked up both in the ids of the authors and in the Author records that have claimed the paper.

Parameters:record (dict) – metadata from a Literature record
Returns:all ORCIDs associated to these authors
Return type:Iterator[str]

Get the remote tokens for the given ORCIDs.

Parameters:orcids (List[str]) – ORCIDs to get the tokens for.
Returns:pairs of (ORCID, access_token), for ORCIDs having a token. These are similar to named tuples, in that the values can be retrieved by index or by attribute, respectively id and access_token.
Return type:sqlalchemy.util._collections.result
inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils.log_service_response(logger, response, extra_message=None)[source]

Module contents

ORCID integration module.