Source code for inspirehep.modules.orcid.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
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# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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"""Manage ORCID OAUTH token migration from INSPIRE legacy instance."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re
import traceback

from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError

from celery import shared_task
from celery.exceptions import SoftTimeLimitExceeded
from redis import StrictRedis
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from simplejson import loads
from time_execution import time_execution

from invenio_oauthclient.utils import oauth_link_external_id
from invenio_oauthclient.models import RemoteToken, User, RemoteAccount, UserIdentity
from invenio_db import db
from invenio_oauthclient.errors import AlreadyLinkedError
from inspire_utils.logging import getStackTraceLogger
from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from inspirehep.modules.orcid import exceptions as domain_exceptions
from inspirehep.modules.orcid.utils import get_literature_recids_for_orcid

from . import domain_models

LOGGER = getStackTraceLogger(__name__)

[docs]def legacy_orcid_arrays(): """ Generator to fetch token data from redis. Note: this function consumes the queue populated by the legacy tasklet: inspire/bibtasklets/ Yields: list: user data in the form of [orcid, token, email, name] """ redis_url = current_app.config.get('CACHE_REDIS_URL') r = StrictRedis.from_url(redis_url) key = 'legacy_orcid_tokens' token = r.lpop(key) while token: yield loads(token) token = r.lpop(key)
def _link_user_and_token(user, name, orcid, access_token): """Create a link between a user and token, if possible. Args: user (invenio_oauthclient.models.User): an existing user object to connect the token to orcid (string): user's ORCID identifier access_token (string): OAUTH token for the user Returns: str: the ORCID associated with the token newly created/enabled. """ try: # Link user and ORCID oauth_link_external_id(user, { 'id': orcid, 'method': 'orcid' }) except AlreadyLinkedError: # User already has their ORCID linked pass # Search for existing tokens. # Note: there can be only 1 RemoteToken per given RemoteAccount. existing_remote_token = RemoteToken.query.join(RemoteAccount).filter_by( user=user).one_or_none() # If not existing_remote_token, create one. if not existing_remote_token: with db.session.begin_nested(): RemoteToken.create(, client_id=get_value(current_app.config, 'ORCID_APP_CREDENTIALS.consumer_key'), token=access_token, secret=None, extra_data={ 'orcid': orcid, 'full_name': name, 'allow_push': True, } ) return orcid # If there is an existing_remote_token: # ensure it is associated to this ORCID and # set allow_push to True. # # Get the ORCID associated with this token. user_identity = UserIdentity.query.filter_by(user=user, method='orcid').one_or_none() # Ensure data consistency. if not user_identity: msg = 'No UserIdentity for user={}, method="orcid", while' \ ' instead there is a RemoteAccount={} and RemoteToken={}' raise Exception(msg.format( user, existing_remote_token.remote_account, existing_remote_token)) if != existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['orcid']: msg = 'UserIdentity={} and RemoteToken={} ORCID mismatch: {} != {}' raise Exception(msg.format( user_identity, existing_remote_token,, existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['orcid'] )) if existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['orcid'] != orcid: raise RemoteTokenOrcidMismatch(user, [existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['orcid'], orcid]) # Force the allow_push. with db.session.begin_nested(): if not existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['allow_push']: existing_remote_token.remote_account.extra_data['allow_push'] = True return orcid return None
[docs]class RemoteTokenOrcidMismatch(Exception): def __init__(self, user, orcids): msg = ('A RemoteToken already exists for User={} and it is' ' associated to a different ORCID: {}').format( user, ' != '.join(orcids) ) super(RemoteTokenOrcidMismatch, self).__init__(msg)
def _register_user(name, email, orcid, token): """Add a token to the user, creating the user if doesn't exist. There are multiple possible scenarios: - user exists, has ORCID and token already linked - user exists and has their ORCID linked, but no token is associated - user exists, but doesn't have the ORCID identifier linked - user doesn't exist at all In all the above scenarios this will create the missing parts. Args: name (string): user's name email (string): user's email address orcid (string): user's ORCID identifier token (string): OAUTH authorization token Returns: str: the ORCID associated with the new user if we created one, or the ORCID associated with the user whose ``allow_push`` flag changed state. """ if not email: # Generate a (fake) unique email address (because is a # unique field). email = USER_EMAIL_EMPTY_PATTERN.format(orcid) # Try to find an existing user entry user = _find_user_matching(orcid, email) # Make the user if didn't find existing one if not user: with db.session.begin_nested(): user = User() = email = True db.session.add(user) return _link_user_and_token(user, name, orcid, token) @shared_task(ignore_result=True, bind=True, time_limit=5 * 60) @time_execution
[docs]def import_legacy_orcid_tokens(self): """ Celery task to import OAUTH ORCID tokens from legacy. Note: bind=True for compatibility with @time_execution. """ if get_value(current_app.config, 'ORCID_APP_CREDENTIALS.consumer_key') is None: return for user_data in legacy_orcid_arrays(): try: orcid, token, email, name = user_data orcid_to_push = _register_user(name, email, orcid, token) if orcid_to_push: 'allow_push now enabled on %s, will push all works now', orcid_to_push ) recids = get_literature_recids_for_orcid(orcid_to_push) for recid in recids: orcid_push.apply_async( queue='orcid_push_legacy_tokens', kwargs={ 'orcid': orcid_to_push, 'rec_id': recid, 'oauth_token': token, }, ) except SQLAlchemyError as ex: LOGGER.exception(ex) db.session.commit()
# `soft_time_limit` is used to schedule a retry. # `time_limit` instead kills the worker process (its exception cannot be caught # in order to schedule a retry). # Race conditions between the 2 limits are possible, but the orcid push # operation is idempotent. @shared_task(bind=True, soft_time_limit=10 * 60, time_limit=11 * 60) @time_execution
[docs]def orcid_push(self, orcid, rec_id, oauth_token, kwargs_to_pusher=None): """Celery task to push a record to ORCID. Args: self (celery.Task): the task orcid (String): an orcid identifier. rec_id (Int): inspire record's id to push to ORCID. oauth_token (String): orcid token. kwargs_to_pusher (Dict): extra kwargs to pass to the pusher object. """ if not current_app.config['FEATURE_FLAG_ENABLE_ORCID_PUSH']: LOGGER.warning('ORCID push feature flag not enabled') return if not re.match(current_app.config.get( 'FEATURE_FLAG_ORCID_PUSH_WHITELIST_REGEX', '^$'), orcid): LOGGER.warning('ORCID push not enabled for orcid={}'.format(orcid)) return'New orcid_push task for recid={} and orcid={}'.format(rec_id, orcid)) kwargs_to_pusher = kwargs_to_pusher or {} try: pusher = domain_models.OrcidPusher(orcid, rec_id, oauth_token, **kwargs_to_pusher) pusher.push()'Orcid_push task for recid={} and orcid={} successfully completed'.format(rec_id, orcid)) except (RequestException, SoftTimeLimitExceeded) as exc: # Trigger a retry only in case of network-related issues. # RequestException is the base class for all request's library # exceptions. # OrcidPusher knows how to handle all expected HTTP exceptions and thus # no retry is triggered in such cases. # Other kinds of exceptions (like IOError or anything else due to bugs) # does not trigger a retry. # Enrich exception message. if isinstance(exc, RequestException): message = (exc.args[0:1] or ('',))[0] message += '\nResponse={}'.format(exc.response.content) message += '\nRequest={} {}'.format(exc.request.method, exc.request.url) exc.args = (message,) + exc.args[1:] # If max_retries=3, then self.request.retries is: [0, 1, 2, 3] # thus backoff power 4 is (secs): [4*60, 16*60, 64*60] backoff = (4 ** (self.request.retries + 1)) * 60 LOGGER.exception( 'Orcid_push task for recid={} and orcid={} raised an exception.' ' Retrying in {} secs. Exception={}'.format( rec_id, orcid, backoff, traceback.format_exc())) raise self.retry(max_retries=3, countdown=backoff, exc=exc) except (domain_exceptions.RecordNotFoundException, domain_exceptions.StaleRecordDBVersionException) as exc: # If max_retries=4, then self.request.retries is: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # thus backoff power 5 is (secs): [5, 25, 125, 625] backoff = 5 ** (self.request.retries + 1) raise self.retry(max_retries=4, countdown=backoff, exc=exc) except Exception: LOGGER.exception( 'Orcid_push task for recid={} and orcid={} failed raising the' ' exception={}'.format( rec_id, orcid, traceback.format_exc())) raise
def _find_user_matching(orcid, email): """Attempt to find a user in our DB on either ORCID or email.""" user_identity = UserIdentity.query.filter_by(id=orcid, method='orcid').first() if user_identity: return user_identity.user return User.query.filter_by(email=email).one_or_none()