
INSPIRE operations manual.

Elasticsearch tasks

Simple index remapping

This procedure does not take into account the current database, it acts only on elasticsearch, so any missing records on elasticsearch will not be added, and any modifications made to the db will not be propagated to elasticsearch.

  1. Install es-cli:
pip install es-cli
  1. Run the remap command:
es-cli remap -m path/to/the/new/mapping.json 'https://user:pass@my.es.instan.ce/myindex'

Things to have into account:

  • There’s no nicer way yet to pass the user/pass
  • You can pass more than one ‘-m–mapping’ option if you are using multiple mappings for the same index.
  • It creates the new indices with the same aliases that the original had.
  • It creates a temporary index in the ES instance, so you will need extra space to allocate it.


It’s recommended to create a dump/backup of the index prior to the remapping, just in case.

Dumping an index

This procedure will create a set of json files in a directory containing batches of the index data, including the index metadata (mappings and similar).

es-cli dump_index -o backup_dir 'https://user:pass@my.es.instan.ce/myindex'

This will create a directory called ‘backup_dir’ that contains two types of json files, a ‘myingex-metadat.json’ with the index metadata, and one or more ‘myindex-N.json’ with the batches of data.

Loading the dump of an index

If you already have dumped an index and you want to load it again, you can run this:

es-cli load_index_dump 'https://user:pass@my.es.instan.ce/myindex' backup_dir

Where ‘backup_dir’ is the path to the directory where the index dump was created.

Harvesting and Holding Pen

Handle records in error state

Via web interface

  1. Visit Holding Pen list and filter for records in error state.

  2. If any, you need to investigate why the record workflow failed, check the detailed page error report.

  3. Sometimes the fix is simply to restart the task again if it is due to some circumstantial reasons.

    You can do that from the interface by clicking the “current task” button and hit restart.

Via shell

  1. SSH into any worker machine (usually builder to avoid affecting the machines serving users)
  2. Enter the shell and retrieve all records in error state:
inspirehep shell
from invenio_workflows import workflow_object_class, ObjectStatus
errors = workflows_object_class.query(status=ObjectStatus.ERROR)
  1. Get a specific object:
from invenio_workflows import workflow_object_class
obj = workflow_object_class.get(1234)
obj.data  #  Check data
obj.extra_data   # Check extra data
obj.status  # Check status
obj.callback_pos  # Position in current workflow
  1. See associated workflow definition:
from invenio_workflows import workflows
workflows[obj.workflow.name].workflow   # Associated workflow list of tasks
  1. Manipulate position in the workflow
obj.callback_pos = [1, 2, 3]
  1. Restart workflow in various positions:
obj.restart_current()  # Restart from current task and continue workflow
obj.restart_next()  # Skip current task and continue workflow
obj.restart_previous()  # Redo task before current one and continue workflow

Debug harvested workflows


Added in inspire-crawler => 0.4.0

Sometimes you want to track down the origin of one of the harvest workflows, to do so you can now use the cli tool to get the log of the crawl, and the bare result that the crawler outputted:

$ # To get the crawl logs of the workflow 1234
$ inspirehep crawler workflow get_job_logs 1234

$ # To get the crawl result of the workflow 1234
$ inspirehep crawler workflow get_job_result 1234

You can also list the crawl jobs, and workflows they started with the commands:

$ inspirehep crawler workflow list --tail 50

$ inspirehep crawler job list --tail 50

There are also a few more options/commands, you can explore them passing the help flag:

$ inspirehep crawler workflow --help

$ inspirehep crawler job --help

Operations in QA

Migrate records in QA

The labs database contains a full copy of the legacy records in MARCXML format, called the mirror. Migrating records from legacy involves connecting to the right machine and setting up the work environment, populating the mirror from the file and migrating the records from the mirror, and finally updating the state of the legacy test database.

Setting up the environment

  1. First of all establish a Kerberos authentication (this can be helpful: http://linux.web.cern.ch/linux/docs/kerberos-access.shtml )
  2. After you have run the kinit command and have successfully authenticated you should be able to connect to the builder machine:
localhost$ ssh username@inspire-qa-worker3-build1.cern.ch
  1. Get root access:
build1$ sudo -s
  1. At this point it’s a good idea to initialize a screen so you have something to connect to and reestablish your session if something happens to your connection while working remotely to a machine. You can use byobu, which is a more user-friendly alternative to tmux or screen:
# This will also reconnect to a running session if any
build1$ byobu
  1. To finish the setup, you need to get into the Inspire virtual environment:
build1# workon inspire

Perform the record migration

  1. Make sure you have access to the dump of the records on the local machine, for example in your local directory or in /tmp (otherwise transfer it there via scp). You can use either a single .xml.gz file corresponding to a single legacy dump, or a whole prodsync.tar which besides a full first dump contains daily incremental dumps of modified records.
  1. Now you can migrate the records, which will be done using the inspirehep migrate command:


You shouldn’t drop the database or destroy the es index as the existing records will be overwritten with the ones introduced.

build1$ inspirehep migrate file --wait filename


Instead of doing a full migration from file, it is possible to only populate the mirror or migrate from the mirror. See inspirhep migrate --help for more information.

  1. After migrating the records since we are getting the initial incrementation value for our database records from the legacy test database, you should set the total number of records migrated to the legacy test incrementation table, otherwise every further submission will generate an already existing recid, thus failing:
#connect to the legacy qa web node
build1$ ssh inspirevm16.cern.ch

#connect to the legacy qa db
legacy_node$ /opt/cds-invenio/bin/dbexec -i

# to check the autoincrement:
mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE bibrec;

#to set the new value: