Source code for inspirehep.modules.orcid.converter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Handle conversion from INSPIRE records to ORCID."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
from collections import namedtuple

from time_execution import time_execution

from import PartialDate
from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from inspire_utils.urls import record_url_by_pattern

from inspirehep.modules.hal.utils import get_journal_title, \
    get_publication_date, get_conference_title, get_conference_record, \
    get_conference_country, get_doi
from inspirehep.modules.records.serializers import bibtex_v1

from .builder import OrcidBuilder

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ExternalIdentifier = namedtuple('ExternalIdentifier', ('type', 'value'))

[docs]class OrcidConverter(object): """Coverter for the Orcid format.""" # Maps INSPIRE author roles to ORCID contributor roles # for full list see: INSPIRE_TO_ORCID_ROLES_MAP = { 'author': 'author', 'editor': 'editor', 'supervisor': None } # Maps INSPIRE document type to ORCID work types # for full list see: INSPIRE_DOCTYPE_TO_ORCID_TYPE = { 'activity report': 'report', 'article': 'journal-article', 'book': 'book', 'book chapter': 'book-chapter', 'conference paper': 'conference-paper', 'note': 'other', 'proceedings': 'edited-book', 'report': 'report', 'thesis': 'dissertation', } def __init__(self, record, url_pattern, put_code=None, visibility=None): """Constructor. Args: record (dict): a record url_pattern (Callable[[int], string]): a pattern for record url put_code (Union[int, string]): ORCID record put-code visibility (string): visibility setting, can only be specified for new records """ self.record = record self.put_code = put_code self.visibility = visibility self.url_pattern = url_pattern self._bibtex_citation = None self._external_identifiers = [] @time_execution
[docs] def get_xml(self, do_add_bibtex_citation=False): """Create an ORCID XML representation of the record. Args: do_add_bibtex_citation (bool): True to add BibTeX-serialized record Returns: lxml.etree._Element: ORCID XML work record """ builder = OrcidBuilder() # Set attributes if self.visibility: builder.set_visibility(self.visibility) if self.put_code: builder.set_put_code(self.put_code) # Add a title if self.title: builder.add_title(self.title, self.subtitle, self.title_translation) # Add a journal title containing_publication_title = self.journal_title or self.conference_title or self.book_series_title if containing_publication_title: builder.add_journal_title(containing_publication_title) # Add a citation if do_add_bibtex_citation: builder.add_citation('bibtex', self.bibtex_citation) # Add a type builder.add_type(self.orcid_work_type) # Add a publication date if self.publication_date: builder.add_publication_date(self.publication_date) # Add recid. record_url = record_url_by_pattern(self.url_pattern, self.recid) if self.recid: builder.add_recid(self.recid, record_url, 'self') self._external_identifiers.append(ExternalIdentifier('other-id', str(self.recid))) # Add external IDs if self.doi: builder.add_doi(self.doi, 'self') self._external_identifiers.append(ExternalIdentifier('doi', self.doi)) if self.arxiv_eprint: builder.add_arxiv(self.arxiv_eprint, 'self') self._external_identifiers.append(ExternalIdentifier('arxiv', self.arxiv_eprint)) for isbn in get_value(self.record, 'isbns.value', []): builder.add_external_id('isbn', isbn) self._external_identifiers.append(ExternalIdentifier('isbn', isbn)) # Add URL pointing to INSPIRE to ORCID builder.add_url(record_url) # Add authors/editors/etc. to the ORCID record for author in self.record.get('authors', []): orcid_role = self.orcid_role_for_inspire_author(author) if not orcid_role: continue person_orcid = self.orcid_for_inspire_author(author) email = get_value(author, 'emails[0]') builder.add_contributor(author['full_name'], orcid_role, person_orcid, email) # Add a country (only available for conferences) if self.conference_country: builder.add_country(self.conference_country) return builder.get_xml()
[docs] def orcid_role_for_inspire_author(self, author): """ORCID role for an INSPIRE author field. Args: author (dict): an author field from INSPIRE literature record Returns: string: ORCID role of a person """ inspire_roles = sorted(get_value(author, 'inspire_roles', ['author'])) if inspire_roles: return self.INSPIRE_TO_ORCID_ROLES_MAP[inspire_roles[0]]
[docs] def orcid_for_inspire_author(self, author): """ORCID identifier for an INSPIRE author field. Args: author (dict): an author field from INSPIRE literature record Returns: string: ORCID identifier of an author, if available """ ids = author.get('ids', []) for id in ids: if id['schema'] == 'ORCID': return id['value']
@property def orcid_work_type(self): """Get record's ORCID work type.""" inspire_doc_type = get_value(self.record, 'document_type[0]') return self.INSPIRE_DOCTYPE_TO_ORCID_TYPE[inspire_doc_type] @property def title(self): """Get record title.""" return get_value(self.record, 'titles[0].title') @property def subtitle(self): """Get record subtitle.""" return get_value(self.record, 'titles[0].subtitle') @property def journal_title(self): """Get record's journal title.""" return get_journal_title(self.record) @property def conference_title(self): """Get record's conference title.""" try: conference_record = get_conference_record(self.record) return get_conference_title(conference_record) except TypeError: pass @property def book_series_title(self): """Get record's book series title.""" return get_value(self.record, 'book_series[0].title') @property def conference_country(self): """Get conference record country.""" return get_conference_country(self.record) @property def doi(self): """Get DOI of a record.""" return get_doi(self.record) @property def arxiv_eprint(self): """Get arXiv ID of a record.""" return get_value(self.record, 'arxiv_eprints.value[0]') @property def recid(self): """Get INSPIRE record ID.""" return self.record['control_number'] @property def title_translation(self): """Translated title. Returns: Tuple[string, string]: translated title and the language code of the translation, if available """ title = get_value(self.record, 'title_translations[0].title') language_code = get_value(self.record, 'title_translations[0].language') if title and language_code: return title, language_code @property def publication_date(self): """(Partial) date of publication. Returns: partial_date ( publication date """ try: return PartialDate.loads(get_value(self.record, '[0]') or get_publication_date(self.record)) except ValueError: return None @property @time_execution def bibtex_citation(self): if self._bibtex_citation is None: try: self._bibtex_citation = bibtex_v1.serialize(self.recid, self.record) except Exception: self._bibtex_citation = '' logger.warning('Bibtex citation serialization failed for' ' recid={}'.format(self.recid)) return self._bibtex_citation @property def added_external_identifiers(self): return self._external_identifiers