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# This file is part of INSPIRE.
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"""Functions related to the main INSPIRE-HEP ticketing system."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from functools import wraps
from urlparse import urljoin, urlparse

from flask import current_app, render_template
from rt import ALL_QUEUES, AuthorizationError, Rt

from .proxies import rt_instance

[docs]class InspireRt(Rt):
[docs] def get_attachments(self, ticket_id): """Get attachment list for a given ticket. Copy-pased from rt library, only change is starting form 3rd line of response for attachments to look for attachments. :param ticket_id: ID of ticket :returns: List of tuples for attachments belonging to given ticket. Tuple format: (id, name, content_type, size) Returns None if ticket does not exist. """ msg = self._Rt__request('ticket/%s/attachments' % (str(ticket_id),)) lines = msg.split('\n') if (len(lines) > 2) and \ self.RE_PATTERNS['does_not_exist_pattern'].match(lines[2]): return None attachment_infos = [] if (self._Rt__get_status_code(lines[0]) == 200) and (len(lines) >= 3): for line in lines[3:]: info = self.RE_PATTERNS['attachments_list_pattern'].match(line) if info: attachment_infos.append(info.groups()) return attachment_infos
[docs]class EditTicketException(Exception): pass
[docs]def relogin_if_needed(f): """Repeat RT call after explicit login, if needed. In case a call to RT fails, due session expired, this decorator will explicitly call .login() on RT, in order to refresh the session, and will replay the call. This decorator should be used to wrap any function calling into RT. FIXME: The real solution would be to enable auth/digest authentication on RT side. Then this trick would no longer be needed, as long as the extension is properly initialized in """ @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except AuthorizationError: rt_instance.login() return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
[docs]def create_ticket(queue, requestors, body, subject=None, recid=None, **kwargs): """Creates new RT ticket and returns new ticket id. :param queue: where the ticket will be created :type queue: string :param requestors: username to set to requestors field of the ticket :type requestors: string :param body: message body of the ticket :type body: string :param subject: subject of the ticket :type subject: string :param recid: record id to be set custom RecordID field :type recid: integer :param kwargs: Other arguments possible to set: Cc, AdminCc, Owner, Status,Priority, InitialPriority, FinalPriority, TimeEstimated, Starts, Due, ... (according to RT fields) Custom fields CF.{<CustomFieldName>} could be set with keywords CF_CustomFieldName. :returns: ID of the new ticket or ``-1``, if it fails :rtype: integer """ body = _strip_lines(body) subject = subject or "No Subject" # to workaround UnicodeEncodeError raised by rt because of special chars body = body.encode("utf-8") subject = subject.encode("utf-8") queue = queue or current_app.config.get("BIBCATALOG_QUEUES") payload = dict( Queue=queue, Subject=subject, Text=body, **kwargs ) if recid: payload["CF_RecordID"] = str(recid) # Check if requests is set and also ignore admin due to RT mail loop if requestors and "" not in requestors: payload["requestors"] = requestors return rt_instance.create_ticket(**payload)
[docs]def create_ticket_with_template(queue, requestors, template_path, template_context, subject, recid=None, **kwargs): """Creates new RT ticket with a body that is rendered template :param queue: where the ticket will be created :type queue: string :param requestors: username to set to requestors field of the ticket :type requestors: string :param template_path: path to the template for the ticket body :type template_path: string :param template_context: context object to be used to render template :type template_context: dict :param subject: subject of the ticket :type subject: string :param recid: record id to be set custom RecordID field :type recid: integer :param kwargs: Other arguments possible to set: Cc, AdminCc, Owner, Status,Priority, InitialPriority, FinalPriority, TimeEstimated, Starts, Due, ... (according to RT fields) Custom fields CF.{<CustomFieldName>} could be set with keywords CF_CustomFieldName. :returns: ID of the new ticket or ``-1``, if it fails :rtype: integer """ body = render_template(template_path, **template_context).strip() return create_ticket(queue, requestors, body, subject, recid, **kwargs)
[docs]def resolve_ticket(ticket_id): """Resolves the given ticket :type ticket_id: integer """ try: rt_instance.edit_ticket( ticket_id=ticket_id, Status="resolved", ) except IndexError: # Raise exception only if ticket isn't already resolved ticket = rt_instance.get_ticket(ticket_id) if ticket["Status"] != "resolved": raise EditTicketException()
[docs]def get_queues(): """Returns list of all queues as {id, name} dict :rtype: dict - with ``name (string)``, ``id (integer)`` properties """ return _get_all_of("queue")
[docs]def get_users(): """Returns list of all users as {id, name} dict :rtype: dict - with ``name (string)``, ``id (integer)`` properties """ return _get_all_of("user")
@relogin_if_needed def _get_all_of(query_type): """Utility function to share the code for performing custom get all requests and parsing the result :param query_type: the type of quer, either ``'queue'`` or ``'user'`` :rtype: dict - with ``name (string)``, ``id (integer)`` properties """ search_query = "search/" + query_type + "?query=" url = urljoin(rt_instance.url, search_query) response = rt_instance.session.get(url) raw_result = response.content.decode(response.encoding.lower()) # parse raw result lines = raw_result.split("\n") # remove status and empty lines del lines[:2] del lines[-3:] # create dict for each result item return map(_query_result_item_id_name_mapper, lines) def _query_result_item_id_name_mapper(raw_item): """Mapper function Takes a string like ``'17: CoolUser'`` and returns ``{'id': '17', 'name': 'CoolUser'}`` """ id_, name = raw_item.split(": ") return {'id': id_, 'name': name} def _strip_lines(multiline_string): """ Removes space at the end of each line and puts space beginning of each line except the first """ return "\n ".join( [line.strip() for line in multiline_string.strip().split("\n")] ) @relogin_if_needed
[docs]def get_tickets_by_recid(recid, exclude_resolved=True, with_extra_attributes=True): """Returns all tickets that are associated with the given recid :type recid: integer """ search_params = dict( Queue=ALL_QUEUES, CF_RecordID=str(recid) ) if exclude_resolved: search_params['Status__notexact'] = 'resolved' tickets_for_recid =**search_params) if with_extra_attributes: return map(_set_extra_attributes, tickets_for_recid) else: return tickets_for_recid
def _set_extra_attributes(ticket): """Sets better ticket id, Text and Link for given ticket""" # `ticket['id']` has format of `'ticket/<ticket_id>'` ticket_id = ticket['id'].split('/')[1] ticket['Id'] = ticket_id ticket['Text'] = _get_ticket_text(ticket_id) ticket['Link'] = get_rt_link_for_ticket(ticket_id) return ticket def _get_ticket_text(ticket_id): """Returns the first plain text attachment or empty string for given ticket """ attachments_ids = rt_instance.get_attachments_ids(ticket_id) for attachment_id in attachments_ids: attachment = rt_instance.get_attachment(ticket_id, attachment_id) if attachment['ContentType'] == 'text/plain': return attachment['Content'] return '' @relogin_if_needed
[docs]def reply_ticket(ticket_id, body, keep_new=False): """Replies the given ticket with the message body :type ticket_id: integer :param body: message body of the reply :type body: string :param keep_new: flag to keep ticket ``Status``, ``'new'`` """ body = _strip_lines(body) # to workaround UnicodeEncodeError raised by rt because of special chars body = body.encode("utf-8") rt_instance.reply( ticket_id=ticket_id, text=body ) if keep_new: rt_instance.edit_ticket( ticket_id=ticket_id, Status="new" )
[docs]def reply_ticket_with_template(ticket_id, template_path, template_context, keep_new=False): """Replies the given ticket with a body that is rendered template :type ticket_id: integer :param template_path: path to the template for the ticket body :type template_path: string :param template_context: context object to be used to render template :type template_context: dict :param keep_new: flag to keep ticket ``Status``, ``'new'`` """ body = render_template(template_path, **template_context).strip() return reply_ticket(ticket_id, body, keep_new=keep_new)