Source code for inspirehep.utils.conferences

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from import ConferencesSearch, LiteratureSearch
from inspirehep.utils.jinja2 import render_template_to_string
from inspirehep.utils.record import get_title
from inspirehep.utils.template import render_macro_from_template

[docs]def render_conferences_in_the_same_series(recid, seriesname): """Conference export for single record in datatables format. :returns: list List of lists where every item represents a datatables row. A row consists of [conference_name, conference_location, contributions, date] """ return render_conferences( recid, conferences_in_the_same_series_from_es(seriesname) )
[docs]def render_conferences_contributions(cnum): """Conference export for single record in datatables format. :returns: list List of lists where every item represents a datatables row. A row consists of [conference_name, conference_location, contributions, date] """ return render_contributions(conferences_contributions_from_es(cnum))
[docs]def conferences_in_the_same_series_from_es(seriesname): """Query ES for conferences in the same series.""" query = 'series:"{}"'.format(seriesname) return ConferencesSearch().query_from_iq( query ).params( _source=[ 'control_number', 'titles', 'address', 'opening_date', 'closing_date' ] ).sort("-opening_date").execute().hits
[docs]def conferences_contributions_from_es(cnum): """Query ES for conferences in the same series.""" query = 'cnum:"{}"'.format(cnum) return LiteratureSearch().query_from_iq( query ).params( size=100, _source=[ 'control_number', 'earliest_date', 'titles', 'authors', 'publication_info', 'citation_count', 'collaboration' ] ).sort('-citation_count').execute().hits
[docs]def render_conferences(recid, conferences): """Render a list of conferences to HTML.""" out = [] for conference in conferences: if conference['control_number'] == recid: = - 1 continue row = [] conference_html = u'<a href="/conferences/{recid}">{title}</a>'.format( recid=conference.control_number, title=conference.titles[0].title ) row.append(conference_html) row.append(conference['address'][0]['original_address']) row.append('') row.append((render_template_to_string( "inspirehep_theme/conferences_in_series_date.html", record=conference.to_dict()))) out.append(row) return out,
[docs]def render_contributions(hits): """Render a list of conferences to HTML.""" result = [] title_html = u"<a href='/literature/{id}'>{name}</a>" for hit in hits: row = [] row.append( title_html.format( id=hit.control_number, name=get_title(hit.to_dict()) ) ) ctx = { 'record': hit.to_dict(), 'is_brief': 'true', 'number_of_displayed_authors': 1, 'show_affiliations': 'false', 'collaboration_only': 'true' } row.append(render_macro_from_template( name="render_record_authors", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Inspire_Default_HTML_general_macros.tpl", ctx=ctx ) ) try: row.append(hit.publication_info[0].journal_title) except AttributeError: row.append('') try: row.append(hit.citation_count) except AttributeError: row.append(0) result.append(row) return result,