Source code for inspirehep.testlib.api.literature

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"""/literature endpoint api client and resources."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from inspirehep.testlib.api.base_resource import BaseResource

[docs]class LiteratureResourceTitle(BaseResource): def __init__(self, source, title): self.source = source self.title = title
[docs] def to_json(self): return { "source": self.source, "title": self.title }
[docs] def from_json(cls, json): title = cls(title=json.get('title'), source=json.get('source')) return title
[docs]class LiteratureResource(BaseResource): """Inspire base entry to represent a literature record""" def __init__(self, control_number, doi, arxiv_eprint, titles): self.control_number = control_number self.doi = doi self.arxiv_eprint = arxiv_eprint self.titles = titles @classmethod
[docs] def from_json(cls, json): """ Args: json(dict): dictionary of a single entry as returned by the api. """ lit = cls( control_number=json['metadata'].get('control_number'), doi=json['metadata'].get('dois', [{}])[0].get('value'), arxiv_eprint=json['metadata'].get('arxiv_eprints', [{}])[0].get('value'), titles=[LiteratureResourceTitle.from_json(title) for title in json['metadata']['titles']], ) lit._raw_json = json return lit
[docs]class LiteratureApiClient(object): """Client for the Inspire Literature section""" LITERATURE_API_URL = '/api/literature/' def __init__(self, client): self._client = client
[docs] def get_record(self, rec_id): resp = self._client.get(self.LITERATURE_API_URL, str(rec_id)) resp.raise_for_status() return LiteratureResource.from_json(resp.json())