Source code for inspirehep.testlib.api.holdingpen

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"""/holdingpen endopint api client and resources."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import copy
import subprocess
from urlparse import urlparse

from inspirehep.testlib.api.base_resource import BaseResource
from inspirehep.testlib.api.literature import LiteratureResourceTitle

[docs]class HoldingpenResource(BaseResource): """Inspire holdingpen entry to represent a workflow""" def __init__(self, workflow_id, approved, is_update, core, status, control_number): """ Don't use this constructor yet unless you know what you are doing, use `from_json` instead as this one does not create a full holdingpen entry. """ self.control_number = control_number self.approved = approved self.is_update = is_update self.core = core self.status = status self.workflow_id = workflow_id self._raw_json = None
[docs] def set_action(self, action): self._raw_json['_extra_data']['_action'] = action
[docs] def from_json(cls, json, workflow_id=None): """ Constructor for a holdingpen entry, it will be able to be mapped to and from json, and used to fully edit entries. Usually you pass to it the full raw json from the details of a holdingpen entry. Args: json(dict): dictionary of a single entry as returned by the api. """ if workflow_id is None: workflow_id = json['id'] extra_data = json.get('_extra_data', {}) data_type = json['_workflow']['data_type'] if data_type == 'hep': hp_entry = HoldingpenLiteratureResource( workflow_id=workflow_id, approved=extra_data.get('approved'), auto_approved=extra_data.get('auto-approved'), is_update=extra_data.get('is-update'), core=extra_data.get('core'), status=json['_workflow']['status'], titles=[LiteratureResourceTitle.from_json(title) for title in json['metadata']['titles']], control_number=json['metadata'].get('control_number'), arxiv_eprint=json['metadata'].get('arxiv_eprints', [{}])[0].get('value'), doi=json['metadata'].get('dois', [{}])[0].get('value'), approved_match=extra_data.get('matches', {}).get('approved'), ) elif data_type == 'authors': hp_entry = HoldingpenAuthorResource( workflow_id=workflow_id, approved=extra_data.get('approved'), is_update=extra_data.get('is-update'), core=extra_data.get('core'), status=json['_workflow']['status'], control_number=json['metadata'].get('control_number'), display_name=json['metadata']['name']['preferred_name'], ) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported holdingpen resource type "{}"'.format(data_type)) hp_entry._raw_json = json return hp_entry
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Translates the current entry to a json applying any changes to the original json passed, or just with the info added to the entry since it's instantiation. Returns: dict: Json view of the current status of the entry. """ new_json = copy.deepcopy(self._raw_json or {}) new_extra_data = { 'approved': self.approved, 'is_update': self.is_update, 'core': self.core, } new_json['_extra_data'].update(new_extra_data) new_json['workflow_id'] = self.workflow_id, new_json['_workflow']['status'] = self.status if self.control_number is not None: new_json['metadata']['control_number'] = self.control_number return new_json
[docs]class HoldingpenLiteratureResource(HoldingpenResource): """Holdingpen entry for a literature workflow.""" def __init__(self, titles, auto_approved=None, doi=None, arxiv_eprint=None, approved_match=None, **kwargs): self.auto_approved = auto_approved self.titles = titles self.arxiv_eprint = arxiv_eprint self.doi = doi self.approved_match = approved_match super(HoldingpenLiteratureResource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_conflicts(self, conflicts): self._raw_json['_extra_data']['conflicts'] = conflicts
[docs] def to_json(self): new_json = super(HoldingpenLiteratureResource, self).to_json() new_json['metadata']['titles'] = [title.to_json() for title in self.titles] if self.arxiv_eprint is not None: new_json['metadata']['arxiv_eprints'][0]['value'] = self.arxiv_eprint if self.doi is not None: new_json['metadata']['dois'][0]['value'] = self.doi return new_json
[docs]class HoldingpenAuthorResource(HoldingpenResource): """Holdingpen for an author workflow.""" def __init__(self, display_name, **kwargs): self.display_name = display_name super(HoldingpenAuthorResource, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def to_json(self): new_json = super(HoldingpenAuthorResource, self).to_json() new_json['metadata']['name']['preferred_name'] = self.display_name return new_json
[docs]class HoldingpenApiClient(object): """Client for the Inspire Holdingpen""" HOLDINGPEN_API_URL = '/api/holdingpen/' HOLDINGPEN_EDIT_URL = '/api/holdingpen/{workflow_id}/action/edit' HOLDINGPEN_RESOLVE_URL = '/api/holdingpen/{workflow_id}/action/resolve' HOLDINGPEN_RESTART_URL = '/api/holdingpen/{workflow_id}/action/restart' def __init__(self, client): self._client = client
[docs] def get_list_entries(self): resp = self._client.get(self.HOLDINGPEN_API_URL) resp.raise_for_status() return [ HoldingpenResource.from_json(json=hit['_source'], workflow_id=hit['_id']) for hit in resp.json()['hits']['hits'] ]
[docs] def get_detail_entry(self, holdingpen_id): resp = self._client.get(self.HOLDINGPEN_API_URL, str(holdingpen_id)) resp.raise_for_status() return HoldingpenResource.from_json(resp.json())
[docs] def edit_workflow(self, holdingpen_entry): """ Helper method to edit a holdingpen entry. Args: holdingpen_entry(HoldingpenResource): entry updated with the already changed data. Returns: requests.Response: The actual http response to the last call (the actual /edit endpoint). Raises: requests.exceptions.BaseHttpError: any error related to the http calls made. Example: >>> my_entry = holdingpen_client.get_detail_entry(holdingpen_id=1234) >>> my_entry.core = False # do some changes >>> holdingpen_client.edit_workflow(holdingpen_entry=my_entry) <Response [200]> """ edit_response = self.HOLDINGPEN_EDIT_URL.format(workflow_id=holdingpen_entry.workflow_id), json=holdingpen_entry.to_json(), ) edit_response.raise_for_status() return edit_response
[docs] def restart_workflow(self, holdingpen_entry_id): restart_response = self.HOLDINGPEN_RESTART_URL.format(workflow_id=holdingpen_entry_id) ) restart_response.raise_for_status() return restart_response
def _resolve_workflow(self, holdingpen_entry, resolution_data): """ Helper method to resolve a workflow action, for more details see: Args: holdingpen_id(int): id of the holdingpen entry to accept. resolution_data(dict): Data to pass to the resolve endpoint. Returns: requests.Response: The actual http response to the last call (the actual /resolve endpoint). Raises: requests.exceptions.BaseHttpError: any error related to the http calls made. Example: >>> holdingpen_client._resolve_workflow( holdingpen_id=12345, resolution_data={ 'pdf_upload': false, 'reason': '', 'value': 'accept_core', } ) <Response [200]> """ resolve_response = self.HOLDINGPEN_RESOLVE_URL.format(workflow_id=holdingpen_entry.workflow_id), json=resolution_data, ) resolve_response.raise_for_status() return resolve_response def _resolve_hep_approval(self, holdingpen_id, approval_type, reason=''): """ Args: holdingpen_id(int): id of the holdingpen entry to accept. approval_type(str): Approval resolution, currently one of 'accept_core', 'accept_non_core' or 'reject' reason(str): If it was rejected, the reason explaining why. pdf_upload(bool): If a new pdf was uploadad Returns: requests.Response: the response to the last 'resolve' api call. """ resolution_data = { 'pdf_upload': False, 'reason': reason, 'value': approval_type, } entry_to_accept = self.get_detail_entry(holdingpen_id=holdingpen_id) # This call is not really changing anyting, but the ui does it always # just in case there are modifications through the ui (not the editor) # made to the workflow, so we do the same in the tests. self.edit_workflow(holdingpen_entry=entry_to_accept) resolve_response = self._resolve_workflow( holdingpen_entry=entry_to_accept, resolution_data=resolution_data, ) return resolve_response
[docs] def resume(self, hp_entry): full_callback_url = hp_entry._raw_json['_extra_data']['callback_url'] callback_url = urlparse(full_callback_url).path payload = { 'id': hp_entry.workflow_id, 'metadata': hp_entry._raw_json['metadata'], '_extra_data': hp_entry._raw_json['_extra_data'] } res = self._client.put(callback_url, json=payload) res.raise_for_status() return res
[docs] def resolve_merge_conflicts(self, hp_entry): hp_entry.set_action(action='merge_approval') hp_entry.set_conflicts(conflicts={}) res = self.resume(hp_entry=hp_entry) return res
[docs] def accept_core(self, holdingpen_id): res = self._resolve_hep_approval( holdingpen_id=holdingpen_id, approval_type='accept_core' ) return res
[docs] def accept_non_core(self, holdingpen_id): res = self._resolve_hep_approval( holdingpen_id=holdingpen_id, approval_type='accept_non_core' ) return res
[docs] def reject(self, holdingpen_id): res = self._resolve_hep_approval( holdingpen_id=holdingpen_id, approval_type='reject' ) return res
[docs] def run_harvest(self, spider, workflow='article', **kwargs): """Run a harvest scheduling a job in celery""" run_harvest = 'inspirehep crawler schedule %s %s %s' % ( spider, workflow, ' '.join('--kwarg %s=%s' % (k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()), ) assert subprocess.check_output( run_harvest.split(), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )