Source code for inspirehep.modules.theme.jinja2filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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"""Jinja utilities for INSPIRE."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import json
import re
import time
from collections import Iterable
from datetime import datetime
from operator import itemgetter

import six
from flask import current_app, url_for
from jinja2.filters import do_join, evalcontextfilter
from werkzeug.urls import url_decode

from import format_date as _format_date
from inspire_utils.dedupers import dedupe_list
from inspirehep.modules.records.wrappers import LiteratureRecord
from import InstitutionsSearch, LiteratureSearch
from inspirehep.utils.jinja2 import render_template_to_string
from inspirehep.utils.template import render_macro_from_template

from .views import blueprint

[docs]def apply_template_on_array(array, template_path, **common_context): """Render a template specified by 'template_path'. For every item in array, renders the template passing the item as 'content' parameter. Additionally attaches 'common_context' as other rendering arguments. Returns list of rendered html strings. :param array: iterable with specific context :param template_path: path to the template :rtype: list of strings """ rendered = [] if isinstance(array, six.string_types): array = [array] if not isinstance(array, Iterable): return rendered template = current_app.jinja_env.get_template(template_path) for content in array: if content: rendered.append( template.render(content=content, **common_context) ) return rendered
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @evalcontextfilter
[docs]def join_array(eval_ctx, value, separator): if isinstance(value, basestring): value = [value] return do_join(eval_ctx, value, separator)
[docs]def new_line_after(text): if not text: return text return '%s<br>' % text
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def author_profile(record): """Return array of rendered links to authors.""" return apply_template_on_array( record.get('profile', []), 'inspirehep_theme/format/record/field_templates/author_profile.tpl')
[docs]def words(value, limit, separator=' '): """Return first `limit` number of words ending by `separator`' '""" return separator.join(value.split(separator)[:limit])
[docs]def words_to_end(value, limit, separator=' '): """Return last `limit` number of words ending by `separator`' '""" return separator.join(value.split(separator)[limit:])
[docs]def is_list(value): """Checks if an object is a list.""" return isinstance(value, list) or None
[docs]def remove_duplicates_from_list(l): return dedupe_list(l)
[docs]def conference_date(record): if 'date' in record and record['date']: return record['date'] out = '' opening_date = record.get('opening_date', '') closing_date = record.get('closing_date', '') if opening_date and closing_date: converted_opening_date = datetime.strptime( opening_date, "%Y-%m-%d") converted_closing_date = datetime.strptime( closing_date, "%Y-%m-%d") if opening_date.split('-')[0] == closing_date.split('-')[0]: if opening_date.split('-')[1] == closing_date.split('-')[1]: out += opening_date.split('-')[2] + '-' + \ closing_date.split('-')[2] + \ ' ' + converted_opening_date.strftime('%b') + \ ' ' + opening_date.split('-')[0] else: out += opening_date.split('-')[2] + ' ' \ + converted_opening_date.strftime('%b') + ' - ' + \ closing_date.split('-')[2] + ' ' + \ converted_closing_date.strftime('%b') + ' ' + \ opening_date.split('-')[0] else: out += opening_date.split('-')[2] + ' ' + \ converted_opening_date.strftime('%b') + ' ' \ + opening_date.split('-')[0] + ' - ' + \ closing_date.split('-')[2] + ' ' + \ converted_closing_date.strftime('%b') + ' ' + \ closing_date.split('-')[0] return out
[docs]def search_for_experiments(value): result = ', '.join([ '<a href="/search?p=experiment_name:%s&cc=Experiments">%s</a>' % (i, i) for i in value]) return result
[docs]def experiment_date(record): result = [] if 'date_proposed' in record: result.append('Proposed: ' + record['date_proposed']) if 'date_approved' in record: result.append('Approved: ' + record['date_approved']) if 'date_started' in record: result.append('Started: ' + record['date_started']) if 'date_completed' in record: if record.get('date_completed') == '9999': result.append('Still Running') elif record.get('date_completed'): result.append('Completed: ' + record['date_completed']) if result: return ', '.join(r for r in result)
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def format_cnum_with_slash(value): value = str(value) cnum = value[:3] + '/' + value[3:5] + '/' if "-" in value: return value.replace("-", "/") else: # pragma: nocover # XXX(jacquerie): never happens. if len(value) == 8: day = value[5:7] nr = value[7] return cnum + day + '.' + nr else: day = value[5:] return cnum + day
# XXX(jacquerie): hyphEns. @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def format_cnum_with_hyphons(value): value = str(value) cnum = value[:3] + '-' + value[3:5] + '-' if "-" in value: return value else: # pragma: nocover # XXX(jacquerie): never happens. if len(value) == 8: day = value[5:7] nr = value[7] return cnum + day + '.' + nr else: day = value[5:] return cnum + day
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def join_nested_lists(l, sep): new_list = [item for sublist in l for item in sublist] return sep.join(new_list)
[docs]def sanitize_collection_name(collection_name): """Changes 'hep' to 'literature' and 'hepnames' to 'authors'.""" if collection_name: collection_name = collection_name.strip().lower() collection_name = collection_name.replace("hepnames", "authors") collection_name = collection_name.replace("hep", "literature") return collection_name
[docs]def collection_select_current(collection_name, current_collection): """Returns the active collection based on the current collection page.""" collection_name = sanitize_collection_name(collection_name) current_collection = current_collection.strip().lower() if collection_name == current_collection: return "active" else: return ""
[docs]def sanitize_arxiv_pdf(arxiv_value): """Sanitizes the arXiv PDF link so it is always correct""" if 'arXiv' in arxiv_value: arxiv_value = arxiv_value[6:] return arxiv_value + '.pdf'
[docs]def sort_list_by_dict_val(l): newlist = sorted(l, key=itemgetter('doc_count'), reverse=True) return newlist
[docs]def epoch_to_year_format(date): return time.strftime('%Y', time.gmtime(int(date) / 1000.))
[docs]def construct_date_format(date): starting_date = time.strftime( '%Y-%m-%d', time.gmtime(int(date) / 1000.)) ending_date = time.strftime('%Y-12-31', time.gmtime(int(date) / 1000.)) return starting_date + '->' + ending_date
[docs]def limit_facet_elements(l): return l[:current_app.config["FACETS_SIZE_LIMIT"]]
[docs]def author_urls(l, separator): result = [] for name in l: if 'name' in name: url = '<a href="/search?ln=en&amp;cc=HepNames&amp;p=name:' \ + name['name'] + '&amp;of=hd">' + name['name'] + '</a>' result.append(url) return separator.join(result)
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def citation_phrase(count): if count == 1: return 'Cited 1 time' else: return 'Cited ' + str(count) + ' times'
[docs]def is_upper(s): return s.isupper()
[docs]def format_author_name(name): return ' '.join(reversed(name.split(',')))
[docs]def strip_leading_number_plot_caption(text): return re.sub(r'^\d{5}\s+', '', text)
[docs]def count_plots(record): return len( [url for url in record.get('urls', []) if url.get("value").endswith(('.png', '.jpg'))] )
[docs]def json_dumps(data): return json.dumps(data)
[docs]def publication_info(record): """Display inline publication and conference information. The record is a LiteratureRecord instance """ if not isinstance(record, LiteratureRecord): record = LiteratureRecord(record) result = {} pub_infos = [] if 'publication_info' in record: publication_information = record.publication_information if publication_information: for pub_info in publication_information: pub_info_html = render_macro_from_template( name="pub_info", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Publication_info.tpl", ctx=pub_info ) if pub_info_html: pub_infos.append(pub_info_html) if pub_infos: result['pub_info'] = pub_infos # Conference info line for conf_info in record.conference_information: if conf_info.get('conference_recid') and conf_info.get('parent_recid'): if result: result['conf_info'] = render_macro_from_template( name="conf_with_pub_info", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Conference_info_macros.tpl", ctx={ 'parent_recid': conf_info.get('parent_recid'), 'conference_recid': conf_info.get('conference_recid'), 'conference_title': conf_info.get('conference_title'), } ) break else: result['conf_info'] = render_macro_from_template( name="conf_without_pub_info", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Conference_info_macros.tpl", ctx={ 'parent_recid': conf_info.get('parent_recid'), 'conference_recid': conf_info.get('conference_recid'), 'conference_title': conf_info.get('conference_title'), 'page_start': conf_info.get('page_start'), 'page_end': conf_info.get('page_end'), 'artid': conf_info.get('artid'), } ) break elif conf_info.get('conference_recid') and not conf_info.get('parent_recid'): result['conf_info'] = render_macro_from_template( name="conference_only", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Conference_info_macros.tpl", ctx={ 'conference_recid': conf_info.get('conference_recid'), 'conference_title': conf_info.get('conference_title'), 'pub_info': bool(result.get('pub_info')), } ) elif conf_info.get('parent_recid') and not conf_info.get('conference_recid'): result['conf_info'] = render_macro_from_template( name="proceedings_only", template="inspirehep_theme/format/record/Conference_info_macros.tpl", ctx={ 'parent_recid': conf_info.get('parent_recid'), 'parent_title': conf_info.get('parent_title'), 'pub_info': bool(result.get('pub_info')), } ) return result
[docs]def format_date(date): """Displays a date in a human-friendly format.""" if date is None: return return _format_date(date)
[docs]def find_collection_from_url(url): """Returns the collection based on the URL.""" if 'cc=conferences' in url or '/conferences' in url: return 'conferences' elif 'cc=jobs' in url or '/jobs' in url: return 'jobs' elif 'cc=data' in url or '/data' in url: return 'data' elif 'cc=institutions' in url or '/institutions' in url: return 'institutions' elif 'cc=journals' in url or '/journals' in url: return 'journals' elif 'cc=experiments' in url or '/experiments' in url: return 'experiments' elif 'cc=authors' in url or '/authors' in url: return 'authors' return 'literature'
[docs]def show_citations_number(citation_count): """Shows citations number""" return 'View all' + str(citation_count) + 'citations'
@blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter() @blueprint.app_template_filter()
[docs]def clean_roles(roles): """Extract names from user roles.""" return json.dumps([ for role in roles])
[docs]def is_cataloger(user): """Check if user has a cataloger role.""" role_names = [ for role in user.roles] return any(role in role_names for role in ('cataloger', 'superuser'))