Source code for

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"""INSPIRE search factory used in invenio-records-rest."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import json

from flask import current_app, request

from invenio_records_rest.errors import InvalidQueryRESTError
from invenio_records_rest.facets import _aggregations, _query_filter, \
from invenio_records_rest.sorter import default_sorter_factory
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

from import LiteratureSearch
from import get_facet_configuration

[docs]def select_source(search): """If search_idex is records-hep it filters the output to get only the useful data. Args: search: Elastic search DSL search instance. search_index: Index name Returns: Elastic search DSL search instance. """ if isinstance(search, LiteratureSearch): search = search.source(includes=["$schema", "abstracts.value", "arxiv_eprints.value", "arxiv_eprints.categories", "authors.affiliations", "authors.full_name", "authors.control_number", "collaborations", "control_number", "citation_count", "dois.value", "earliest_date", "inspire_categories", "number_of_references", "publication_info", "report_numbers", "titles.title"]) return search
[docs]def default_inspire_facets_factory(search, index): urlkwargs = MultiDict() facets = get_facet_configuration(index) if facets: search = _aggregations(search, facets.get("aggs", {})) search, urlkwargs = _query_filter( search, urlkwargs, facets.get("filters", {})) search, urlkwargs = _post_filter( search, urlkwargs, facets.get("post_filters", {})) return search, urlkwargs
[docs]def inspire_filter_factory(search, urlkwargs, search_index): """Copies behaviour of default facets factory but without the aggregations, As facets factory is also responsible for filtering the year and author (invenio mess) Args: search: Elastic search DSL search instance. urlkwargs: search_index: index name Returns: tuple with search and urlarguments """ facets = get_facet_configuration(search_index) # Query filter search, urlkwargs = _query_filter( search, urlkwargs, facets.get("filters", {})) # Post filter search, urlkwargs = _post_filter( search, urlkwargs, facets.get("post_filters", {})) return search, urlkwargs
[docs]def inspire_search_factory(self, search): """Parse query using Inspire-Query-Parser. :param self: REST view. :param search: Elastic search DSL search instance. :returns: Tuple with search instance and URL arguments. """ query_string = request.values.get('q', '') urlkwargs = MultiDict() try: search = search.query_from_iq(query_string) except SyntaxError: current_app.logger.debug( "Failed parsing query: {0}".format( request.values.get('q', '')), exc_info=True) raise InvalidQueryRESTError() search_index = search._index[0] search, urlkwargs = inspire_filter_factory(search, urlkwargs, search_index) search, sortkwargs = default_sorter_factory(search, search_index) search = select_source(search) urlkwargs.add('q', query_string) current_app.logger.debug(json.dumps(search.to_dict(), indent=4)) return search, urlkwargs
[docs]def inspire_facets_factory(self, search): """Parse query using Inspire-Query-Parser and prepare facets for it Args: self: REST view. search: Elastic search DSL search instance. Returns: Tuple with search instance and URL arguments. """ query_string = request.values.get('q', '') try: search = search.query_from_iq(query_string) except SyntaxError: current_app.logger.debug( "Failed parsing query: {0}".format( request.values.get('q', '')), exc_info=True) raise InvalidQueryRESTError() search_index = search._index[0] search, urlkwargs = default_inspire_facets_factory(search, search_index) search = select_source(search) urlkwargs.add('q', query_string) current_app.logger.debug(json.dumps(search.to_dict(), indent=4)) return search, urlkwargs