Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import logging
from elasticsearch import RequestError
from elasticsearch_dsl.query import Q

from invenio_search.api import DefaultFilter, RecordsSearch
from invenio_search import current_search_client as es

from .query_factory import inspire_query_factory

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
IQ = inspire_query_factory()

[docs]class SearchMixin(object): """Mixin that adds helper functions to ElasticSearch DSL classes."""
[docs] def query_from_iq(self, query_string): """Initialize ES DSL object using INSPIRE query parser. :param query_string: Query string as a user would input in INSPIRE's search box. :type query_string: string :returns: Elasticsearch DSL search class """ if not query_string: return self.query() return self.query('match', _all=query_string)
[docs] def get_source(self, uuid, **kwargs): """Get source from a given uuid. This function mimics the behaviour from the low level ES library get_source function. :param uuid: uuid of document to be retrieved. :type uuid: UUID :returns: dict """ return es.get_source( index=self.Meta.index, doc_type=self.Meta.doc_types, id=uuid, **kwargs )
[docs] def mget(self, uuids, **kwargs): """Get source from a list of uuids. :param uuids: uuids of documents to be retrieved. :type uuids: list of strings representing uuids :returns: list of JSON documents """ results = [] try: documents = es.mget( index=self.Meta.index, doc_type=self.Meta.doc_types, body={'ids': uuids}, **kwargs ) results = [document['_source'] for document in documents['docs']] except RequestError: pass return results
[docs]class LiteratureSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Literature database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-hep' doc_types = 'hep' default_filter = DefaultFilter(Q('match', _collections="Literature"))
[docs] def query_from_iq(self, query_string): """Initialize ES DSL object using INSPIRE query parser. :param query_string: Query string as a user would input in INSPIRE's search box. :type query_string: string :returns: Elasticsearch DSL search class """ return self.query(IQ(query_string, self))
[docs] def citations(record, page=1, size=10): if 'control_number' not in record: return None _source = [ 'authors', 'control_number', 'earliest_date', 'titles', 'publication_info' ] from_rec = (page - 1) * size search = LiteratureSearch().query('match', references__recid=record[ 'control_number']) search = search.params(_source=_source, from_=from_rec, size=size) return search.sort('-earliest_date').execute().hits
[docs]class AuthorsSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Authors database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-authors' doc_types = 'authors'
[docs]class DataSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Data database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-data' doc_types = 'data'
[docs]class ConferencesSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Conferences database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-conferences' doc_types = 'conferences'
[docs] def query_from_iq(self, query_string): """Initialize ES DSL object using INSPIRE query parser. :param query_string: Query string as a user would input in INSPIRE's search box. :type query_string: string :returns: Elasticsearch DSL search class """ return self.query(IQ(query_string, self))
[docs]class JobsSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Jobs database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-jobs' doc_types = 'jobs'
[docs]class InstitutionsSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Institutions database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-institutions' doc_types = 'institutions'
[docs] def query_from_iq(self, query_string): """Initialize ES DSL object using INSPIRE query parser. :param query_string: Query string as a user would input in INSPIRE's search box. :type query_string: string :returns: Elasticsearch DSL search class """ return self.query(IQ(query_string, self))
[docs]class ExperimentsSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Experiments database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-experiments' doc_types = 'experiments'
[docs]class JournalsSearch(RecordsSearch, SearchMixin): """Elasticsearch-dsl specialized class to search in Journals database."""
[docs] class Meta: index = 'records-journals' doc_types = 'journals'