Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.wrappers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from six import iteritems

from flask_login import current_user

from inspirehep.utils.record import get_title
from inspirehep.modules.records.json_ref_loader import replace_refs
from inspirehep.modules.records.api import ESRecord
from inspirehep.modules.records.permissions import has_update_permission
from import JobsSearch

[docs]class AdminToolsMixin(object): @property def admin_tools(self): tools = [] if has_update_permission(current_user, self): tools.append('editor') return tools
[docs]class LiteratureRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for literature records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return get_title(self) # TODO: Deprecated, must be removed once the new UI is released @property def conference_information(self): """Conference information. Returns a list with information about conferences related to the record. """ conf_info = [] for pub_info in self['publication_info']: conference_recid = None parent_recid = None parent_rec = {} conference_rec = {} if 'conference_record' in pub_info: conference_rec = replace_refs(pub_info['conference_record'], 'es') if conference_rec and conference_rec.get('control_number'): conference_recid = conference_rec['control_number'] else: conference_rec = {} if 'parent_record' in pub_info: parent_rec = replace_refs(pub_info['parent_record'], 'es') if parent_rec and parent_rec.get('control_number'): parent_recid = parent_rec['control_number'] else: parent_rec = {} conf_info.append( { "conference_recid": conference_recid, "conference_title": get_title(conference_rec), "parent_recid": parent_recid, "parent_title": get_title(parent_rec).replace( "Proceedings, ", "", 1 ), "page_start": pub_info.get('page_start'), "page_end": pub_info.get('page_end'), "artid": pub_info.get('artid'), } ) return conf_info # TODO: Deprecated, must be removed once the new UI is released @property def publication_information(self): """Publication information. Returns a list with information about each publication note in the record. """ if 'publication_info' not in self: return None pub_info_list = [] for pub_info in self['publication_info']: item = {} if pub_info.get('journal_title') or pub_info.get('pubinfo_freetext'): item.update({ 'journal_title': pub_info.get('journal_title'), 'journal_volume': pub_info.get('journal_volume'), 'year': str(pub_info.get('year', '')), 'journal_issue': pub_info.get('journal_issue'), 'page_start': str(pub_info.get('page_start', '')), 'page_end': str(pub_info.get('page_end', '')), 'artid': pub_info.get('artid'), 'pubinfo_freetext': pub_info.get('pubinfo_freetext'), 'material': pub_info.get('material'), 'conference_record': pub_info.get('conference_record') }) if item: pub_info_list.append({key: value for (key, value) in iteritems(item) if value}) return pub_info_list or None @property def external_system_identifiers(self): """External system identification information. Returns a list that contains information on first of each kind of external_system_idenitfiers """ ext_id_dict = { 'ads': [ 'ADS Abstract Service', '', ], 'cds': [ 'CERN Document Server', '' ], 'euclid': [ 'Project Euclid', '', ], 'hal': [ 'HAL Archives Ouvertes', '', ], 'kekscan': [ 'KEK scanned document', '', ], 'msnet': [ 'AMS MathSciNet', '', ], 'osti': [ 'OSTI Information Bridge Server', '', ], 'zblatt': [ 'zbMATH', '', ], } unique_ext_ids = [] filtered_ext_ids = [] mapped_ext_ids = [] ads_linked = False # Keep only first of each kind of external_system_identifiers seen = set() for ext_sys_id in self.get('external_system_identifiers', []): if ext_sys_id['schema'] not in seen: seen.add(ext_sys_id['schema']) unique_ext_ids.append(ext_sys_id) # Keep only those external_system_identifiers whose 'schema' appear # as keys in ext_id_dict filtered_ext_ids = [unique_ext_id for unique_ext_id in unique_ext_ids if unique_ext_id['schema'].lower() in ext_id_dict] # Map each external_system_identifier in filtered _ext_ids to # a link name and link url mapped_ext_ids = [self.get_link_info_for_external_sys_identifiers(filtered_ext_id['value'], list(ext_id_dict[filtered_ext_id['schema'].lower()])) for filtered_ext_id in filtered_ext_ids] # Set fallback ADS link via arXiv:e-print for ext_sys_id in mapped_ext_ids: if ext_sys_id['url_name'] == ext_id_dict['ads'][0]: ads_linked = True if not ads_linked and self.get('arxiv_eprints'): for report_number in self.get('arxiv_eprints'): mapped_ext_ids.append({ 'url_name': ext_id_dict['ads'][0], 'url_link': ext_id_dict['ads'][1] + report_number.get('value') }) return mapped_ext_ids
[docs]class AuthorsRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for author records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return self.get('name', {}).get('preferred_name')
[docs]class ConferencesRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for conference records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return get_title(self)
[docs]class JobsRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for job records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return self.get('position') @property def similar(self): def _build_query(id_): result = JobsSearch() return result.query({ 'more_like_this': { 'like': [ { '_id': id_, }, ], 'min_term_freq': 0, 'min_doc_freq': 0, } })[0:2] query = _build_query(self.get('control_number')) result = query.execute() return result
[docs]class InstitutionsRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for institution records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" institution = self.get('institution') if institution: return institution[0]
[docs]class ExperimentsRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for experiment records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return self.get('legacy_name')
[docs]class JournalsRecord(ESRecord, AdminToolsMixin): """Record class specialized for journal records.""" @property def title(self): """Get preferred title.""" return get_title(self) @property def publisher(self): """Get preferred title.""" publisher = self.get('publisher', []) if publisher: return publisher[0] @property def urls(self): """Get urls.""" urls = self.get('urls', []) if urls: return [url.get('value', '') for url in urls] @property def name_variants(self): """Get name variations.""" name_variants = self.get('title_variants', []) if name_variants: return [name.get('title', '') for name in name_variants]