Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.views

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
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# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Data model package."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from functools import partial

from flask import Blueprint, request, abort
from invenio_rest.views import ContentNegotiatedMethodView
from invenio_records_rest.views import pass_record

from import LiteratureSearch
from import inspire_facets_factory
from .serializers import json_literature_citations_v1_response, \

blueprint = Blueprint(

[docs]class LiteratureCitationsResource(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): view_name = 'literature_citations' def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(LiteratureCitationsResource, self).__init__( serializers={ 'application/json': json_literature_citations_v1_response }, default_method_media_type={ 'GET': 'application/json', }, default_media_type='application/json', **kwargs) @pass_record
[docs] def get(self, pid, record): page = request.values.get('page', 1, type=int) size = request.values.get('size', 10, type=int) if page < 1 or size < 1: abort(400) citing_records_results = LiteratureSearch.citations(record, page, size) citing_records_count = citing_records = [citation.to_dict() for citation in citing_records_results] data = {'citations': citing_records, 'citation_count': citing_records_count} return self.make_response(pid, data)
literature_citations_view = LiteratureCitationsResource.as_view( LiteratureCitationsResource.view_name, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( '/<pid(lit,record_class="inspirehep.modules.records.api:InspireRecord"):pid_value>/citations', view_func=literature_citations_view )
[docs]class Facets(ContentNegotiatedMethodView): view_name = '{0}_facets' def __init__(self, **kwargs): search_factory = kwargs.pop('search_factory', inspire_facets_factory) self.search_factory = partial(search_factory, self) self.search_class = kwargs.pop('seartch_class', LiteratureSearch) default_media_type = kwargs.pop('default_media_type', 'application/vnd+inspire.record.ui+json') serializers = kwargs.pop('serializers', { 'application/vnd+inspire.record.ui+json': json_literature_search_aggregations_ui_v1 }) pid_type = kwargs.pop('pid_type', 'lit') super(Facets, self).__init__( serializers=serializers, default_method_media_type={ 'GET': default_media_type, }, default_media_type=default_media_type, **kwargs) self.pid_type = pid_type
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): urlkwargs = dict() search_obj = self.search_class() search = search_obj.with_preference_param().params(version=True) search, qs_kwargs = self.search_factory(search) urlkwargs.update(qs_kwargs) # Execute search search_result = search.execute() return self.make_response( query_results=search_result, )
facets_view = Facets.as_view( Facets.view_name, ) blueprint.add_url_rule( '/facets', view_func=facets_view )