Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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""" Record related utils."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from itertools import chain
from unicodedata import normalize
import re
import six

from inspire_dojson.utils import get_recid_from_ref
from import earliest_date
from import generate_name_variations, ParsedName
from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from inspire_utils.helpers import force_list

from inspirehep.modules.pidstore.utils import (
from inspirehep.modules.records.errors import MissingInspireRecordError
from inspirehep.utils.record_getter import get_db_records
from inspire_utils.record import get_values_for_schema

[docs]def is_author(record): return 'authors.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_hep(record): return 'hep.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_data(record): return 'data.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_institution(record): return 'institutions.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_experiment(record): return 'experiments.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_journal(record): return 'journals.json' in record.get('$schema')
[docs]def is_book(record): return 'book' in record.get('document_type', [])
[docs]def get_endpoint_from_record(record): """Return the endpoint corresponding to a record.""" pid_type = get_pid_type_from_schema(record['$schema']) endpoint = get_endpoint_from_pid_type(pid_type) return endpoint
[docs]def get_pid_from_record_uri(record_uri): """Transform a URI to a record into a (pid_type, pid_value) pair.""" parts = [part for part in record_uri.split('/') if part] try: pid_type = parts[-2][:3] pid_value = parts[-1] except IndexError: return None return pid_type, pid_value
[docs]def get_author_display_name(name): """Returns the display name in format Firstnames Lastnames""" parsed_name = ParsedName.loads(name) return " ".join(parsed_name.first_list + parsed_name.last_list)
[docs]def get_linked_records_in_field(record, field_path): """Get all linked records in a given field. Args: record (dict): the record containing the links field_path (string): a dotted field path specification understandable by ``get_value``, containing a json reference to another record. Returns: Iterator[dict]: an iterator on the linked record. Warning: Currently, the order in which the linked records are yielded is different from the order in which they appear in the record. Example: >>> record = {'references': [ ... {'record': {'$ref': ''}}, ... {'record': {'$ref': ''}}, ... ]} >>> get_linked_record_in_field(record, 'references.record') [...] """ full_path = '.'.join([field_path, '$ref']) pids = force_list([get_pid_from_record_uri(rec) for rec in get_value(record, full_path, [])]) return get_db_records(pids)
[docs]def populate_earliest_date(record): """Populate the ``earliest_date`` field of Literature records.""" date_paths = [ 'preprint_date', '', 'thesis_info.defense_date', 'publication_info.year', 'legacy_creation_date', '', ] dates = [ str(el) for el in chain.from_iterable( [force_list(get_value(record, path)) for path in date_paths] ) ] if dates: result = earliest_date(dates) if result: record['earliest_date'] = result
[docs]def populate_citations_count(record): """Populate citations_count in ES from""" if hasattr(record, 'get_citations_count'): # Make sure that record has method get_citations_count # Session is in commited state here, and I cannot open new one... citation_count = record.get_citations_count() record['citation_count'] = citation_count else: raise MissingInspireRecordError("Record is not InspireRecord!")
[docs]def populate_bookautocomplete(record): """Populate the ```bookautocomplete`` field of Literature records.""" paths = [ '', 'imprints.publisher', 'isbns.value', ] authors = force_list(get_value(record, 'authors.full_name', default=[])) titles = force_list(get_value(record, 'titles.title', default=[])) input_values = list(chain.from_iterable( force_list(get_value(record, path, default=[])) for path in paths)) input_values.extend(authors) input_values.extend(titles) input_values = [el for el in input_values if el] record['bookautocomplete'] = { 'input': input_values, }
[docs]def populate_inspire_document_type(record): """Populate the ``facet_inspire_doc_type`` field of Literature records.""" result = [] result.extend(record.get('document_type', [])) result.extend(record.get('publication_type', [])) if 'refereed' in record and record['refereed']: result.append('peer reviewed') record['facet_inspire_doc_type'] = result
[docs]def populate_recid_from_ref(record): """Extract recids from all JSON reference fields and add them to ES. For every field that has as a value a JSON reference, adds a sibling after extracting the record identifier. Siblings are named by removing ``record`` occurrences and appending ``_recid`` without doubling or prepending underscores to the original name. Example:: {'record': {'$ref': 'http://x/y/2}} is transformed to:: { 'recid': 2, 'record': {'$ref': 'http://x/y/2}, } For every list of object references adds a new list with the corresponding recids, whose name is similarly computed. Example:: { 'records': [ {'$ref': 'http://x/y/1'}, {'$ref': 'http://x/y/2'}, ], } is transformed to:: { 'recids': [1, 2], 'records': [ {'$ref': 'http://x/y/1'}, {'$ref': 'http://x/y/2'}, ], } """ list_ref_fields_translations = { 'deleted_records': 'deleted_recids' } def _recursive_find_refs(json_root): if isinstance(json_root, list): items = enumerate(json_root) elif isinstance(json_root, dict): # Note that items have to be generated before altering the dict. # In this case, iteritems might break during iteration. items = json_root.items() else: items = [] for key, value in items: if (isinstance(json_root, dict) and isinstance(value, dict) and '$ref' in value): # Append '_recid' and remove 'record' from the key name. key_basename = key.replace('record', '').rstrip('_') new_key = '{}_recid'.format(key_basename).lstrip('_') json_root[new_key] = get_recid_from_ref(value) elif (isinstance(json_root, dict) and isinstance(value, list) and key in list_ref_fields_translations): new_list = [get_recid_from_ref(v) for v in value] new_key = list_ref_fields_translations[key] json_root[new_key] = new_list else: _recursive_find_refs(value) _recursive_find_refs(record)
[docs]def populate_abstract_source_suggest(record): """Populate the ``abstract_source_suggest`` field in Literature records.""" abstracts = record.get('abstracts', []) for abstract in abstracts: source = abstract.get('source') if source: abstract.update({ 'abstract_source_suggest': { 'input': source, }, })
[docs]def populate_title_suggest(record): """Populate the ``title_suggest`` field of Journals records.""" journal_title = get_value(record, 'journal_title.title', default='') short_title = record.get('short_title', '') title_variants = record.get('title_variants', []) input_values = [] input_values.append(journal_title) input_values.append(short_title) input_values.extend(title_variants) input_values = [el for el in input_values if el] record['title_suggest'] = { 'input': input_values, }
[docs]def populate_affiliation_suggest(record): """Populate the ``affiliation_suggest`` field of Institution records.""" ICN = record.get('ICN', []) institution_acronyms = get_value(record, 'institution_hierarchy.acronym', default=[]) institution_names = get_value(record, '', default=[]) legacy_ICN = record.get('legacy_ICN', '') name_variants = force_list(get_value(record, 'name_variants.value', default=[])) postal_codes = force_list(get_value(record, 'addresses.postal_code', default=[])) # XXX: this is need by the curators to search only with numbers extract_numbers_from_umr = [] for name in name_variants: match = re.match(r'UMR\s', name, re.IGNORECASE) if match: umr_number = name.replace(, '') extract_numbers_from_umr.append(umr_number) input_values = [] input_values.extend(ICN) input_values.extend(institution_acronyms) input_values.extend(institution_names) input_values.append(legacy_ICN) input_values.extend(name_variants) input_values.extend(postal_codes) input_values.extend(extract_numbers_from_umr) input_values = [el for el in input_values if el] record['affiliation_suggest'] = { 'input': input_values, }
[docs]def populate_experiment_suggest(record): """Populates experiment_suggest field of experiment records.""" experiment_paths = [ 'accelerator.value', 'collaboration.value', 'experiment.short_name', 'experiment.value', 'institutions.value', 'legacy_name', 'long_name', 'name_variants', ] input_values = [el for el in chain.from_iterable( [force_list(get_value(record, path)) for path in experiment_paths]) if el] record['experiment_suggest'] = { 'input': input_values, }
[docs]def populate_name_variations(record): """Generate name variations for each signature of a Literature record.""" authors = record.get('authors', []) for author in authors: full_name = author.get('full_name') if full_name: name_variations = generate_name_variations(full_name) author.update({'name_variations': name_variations}) author.update({'name_suggest': { 'input': [variation for variation in name_variations if variation], }})
[docs]def populate_number_of_references(record): """Generate name variations for each signature of a Literature record.""" references = record.get('references') if references is not None: record['number_of_references'] = len(references)
[docs]def populate_authors_name_variations(record): """Generate name variations for an Author record.""" author_name = get_value(record, 'name.value') if author_name: name_variations = generate_name_variations(author_name) record['name_variations'] = name_variations
[docs]def populate_author_count(record): """Populate the ``author_count`` field of Literature records.""" authors = record.get('authors', []) authors_excluding_supervisors = [ author for author in authors if 'supervisor' not in author.get('inspire_roles', []) ] record['author_count'] = len(authors_excluding_supervisors)
[docs]def populate_authors_full_name_unicode_normalized(record): """Populate the ``authors.full_name_normalized`` field of Literature records.""" authors = record.get('authors', []) for index, author in enumerate(authors): full_name = six.text_type(author['full_name']) record['authors'][index].update({ 'full_name_unicode_normalized': normalize('NFKC', full_name).lower() })
[docs]def get_author_with_record_facet_author_name(author): author_ids = author.get('ids', []) author_bai = get_values_for_schema(author_ids, 'INSPIRE BAI') bai = author_bai[0] if author_bai else 'BAI' author_preferred_name = get_value(author, 'name.preferred_name') if author_preferred_name: return u'{}_{}'.format(bai, author_preferred_name) else: return u'{}_{}'.format(bai, get_author_display_name(author['name']['value']))
[docs]def populate_facet_author_name(record): """Populate the ``facet_author_name`` field of Literature records.""" authors_with_record = get_linked_records_in_field(record, 'authors.record') authors_without_record = [author for author in record.get('authors', []) if 'record' not in author] result = [] for author in authors_with_record: result.append(get_author_with_record_facet_author_name(author)) for author in authors_without_record: result.append(u'BAI_{}'.format(get_author_display_name(author['full_name']))) record['facet_author_name'] = result
[docs]def populate_author_suggest(record, *args, **kwargs): """Populate the ``author_suggest`` field of Authors records.""" author_paths = [ 'name.preferred_name', 'name.previous_names', 'name.name_variants', 'name.native_names', 'name.value', ] input_values = [el for el in chain.from_iterable([force_list(get_value(record, path)) for path in author_paths])] record['author_suggest'] = { 'input': input_values }