Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.tasks

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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"""Records tasks."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from celery import shared_task
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
from elasticsearch.helpers import bulk, scan
from flask import current_app
from six import iteritems
from sqlalchemy import tuple_
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, StaleDataError

from invenio_db import db
from invenio_pidstore.models import PersistentIdentifier
from invenio_search import current_search_client as es

from inspire_dojson.utils import get_recid_from_ref
from inspirehep.modules.records.api import InspireRecord
from inspirehep.modules.records.errors import MissingCitedRecordError
from inspirehep.modules.records.utils import get_endpoint_from_record
from inspirehep.modules.pidstore.utils import get_pid_type_from_schema
from inspirehep.utils.record import create_index_op
from inspirehep.utils.record_getter import get_db_record, RecordGetterError

logger = get_task_logger(__name__)

[docs]def update_refs(old_ref, new_ref): """Update references in the entire database. Replaces all occurrences of ``old_ref`` with ``new_ref``, provided that they happen at one of the paths listed in ``INSPIRE_REF_UPDATER_WHITELISTS``. """ records = get_records_to_update(old_ref) with db.session.begin_nested(): for record in records:'Updated reference: %s -> %s, Record: %s', old_ref, new_ref, update_links(record, old_ref, new_ref) record.commit() db.session.commit()
[docs]def get_records_to_update(old_ref): def _get_uuids_to_update(old_ref): def _replace_record_with_recid(path): return path.replace('record', 'recid') def _ref_to_recid(ref): return int(ref.split('/')[-1]) result = [] whitelists = current_app.config['INSPIRE_REF_UPDATER_WHITELISTS'] for endpoint, whitelist in iteritems(whitelists): fields = [_replace_record_with_recid(path) for path in whitelist] body = { 'query': { 'bool': { 'should': [ { 'term': { field: { 'value': _ref_to_recid(old_ref), }, }, } for field in fields ], }, }, } index = current_app.config['INSPIRE_ENDPOINT_TO_INDEX'][endpoint] query = scan(es, query=body, index=index) result.extend(el['_id'] for el in list(query)) return result def _get_records_to_update(uuids): return InspireRecord.get_records(uuids) uuids = _get_uuids_to_update(old_ref) records = _get_records_to_update(uuids) return records
[docs]def merge_merged_records(): """Merge all records that were marked as merged.""" records = get_merged_records() for record in records: record_pid = PersistentIdentifier.query.filter_by( deleted_ids = [get_recid_from_ref(ref) for ref in record['deleted_records']] for deleted_id in deleted_ids: deleted_pid = PersistentIdentifier.query.filter_by( pid_value=str(deleted_id) ).one_or_none() if not deleted_pid: deleted_pid = PersistentIdentifier.create( pid_type=get_pid_type_from_schema(record['$schema']), pid_value=deleted_id, object_type='rec' ) deleted_pid.register() db.session.add(deleted_pid) deleted_pid.redirect(record_pid) db.session.commit()
[docs]def get_merged_records(): def _get_uuids_to_merge(): body = { 'query': { 'exists': { 'field': 'deleted_records', }, }, } index = 'records-*' query = scan(es, query=body, index=index) for result in query: yield result['_id'] uuids = _get_uuids_to_merge() records = InspireRecord.get_records(uuids) return records
@shared_task(ignore_result=False, max_retries=0)
[docs]def batch_reindex(uuids, request_timeout=None): """Task for bulk reindexing records.""" def actions(): for uuid in uuids: try: record = InspireRecord.get_record(uuid) if record.get('deleted', False): logger.debug("Record already %s deleted, not indexing!", uuid) continue yield create_index_op(record, version_type='force') except NoResultFound as e: logger.warn('Record %s failed to load: %s', uuid, e) if not request_timeout: request_timeout = current_app.config['INDEXER_BULK_REQUEST_TIMEOUT'] success, failures = bulk( es, actions(), request_timeout=request_timeout, raise_on_error=False, raise_on_exception=False, ) return { 'success': success, 'failures': [failure for failure in failures or []], }
@shared_task(ignore_result=False, bind=True, max_retries=12)
[docs]def index_modified_citations_from_record(self, pid_type, pid_value, db_version): """Index records from the record's citations. This tasks retries itself in 2 scenarios: - A new record is saved but it is not yet visible by this task bacause the transaction is not finished yet (RecordGetterError). - When a record is updated, but new changes are not yet in DB, for the same reason as above (StaleDataError). Args: pid_type(String): pid type of the record pid_value(String): pid value of the record db_version(Int): the correct version of the record that we expect to index. This prevents loading stale data from the DB. Raise: MissingCitedRecordError in case cited records are not found """"Starting index_modified_citations_from_record for {pid_value}" " with db version: {db_version}".format( pid_value=pid_value, db_version=db_version)) try: record = get_db_record(pid_type, pid_value) if record.model.version_id < db_version: raise StaleDataError except (RecordGetterError, StaleDataError) as e: logger.warn( 'Record {} not yet at version {} on DB'.format( (pid_type, pid_value), db_version) ) backoff = 2 ** (self.request.retries + 1) if self.max_retries < self.request.retries + 1: logger.warn("({pid_value}) - Failing - too many retries".format( pid_value=pid_value) ) raise self.retry(countdown=backoff, exc=e) pids = record.get_modified_references() if not pids:'No references change for record {}'.format((pid_type, pid_value))) return None "({pid_value}) There are {count_pids}" " records references changed".format(pid_value=pid_value, count_pids=len(pids)) ) uuids = [ str(pid.object_uuid) for pid in db.session.query(PersistentIdentifier.object_uuid).filter( PersistentIdentifier.object_type == 'rec', tuple_(PersistentIdentifier.pid_type, PersistentIdentifier.pid_value).in_(pids) ) ] if uuids:"({pid_value}) contains pids - starting batch".format( pid_value=pid_value) ) return batch_reindex(uuids) raise MissingCitedRecordError( 'Cited records to reindex not found:\nuuids: {}'.format(uuids) )