Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.schemas.json.literature.common.reference_item

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from marshmallow import Schema, pre_dump, post_dump, fields, missing
from inspire_dojson.utils import get_recid_from_ref, strip_empty_values
from inspire_utils.helpers import force_list

from inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.fields import ListWithLimit, NestedWithoutEmptyObjects
from inspirehep.modules.records.utils import get_linked_records_in_field
from inspire_utils.record import get_value

from .author import AuthorSchemaV1
from .collaboration import CollaborationSchemaV1
from .collaboration_with_suffix import CollaborationWithSuffixSchemaV1
from .publication_info_item import PublicationInfoItemSchemaV1

[docs]class ReferenceItemSchemaV1(Schema): authors = ListWithLimit( NestedWithoutEmptyObjects(AuthorSchemaV1, dump_only=True, default=[]), limit=10) collaborations = fields.List(fields.Nested( CollaborationSchemaV1, dump_only=True), attribute="collaborations") collaborations_with_suffix = fields.List(fields.Nested( CollaborationWithSuffixSchemaV1, dump_only=True), attribute="collaborations") control_number = fields.Raw() label = fields.Raw() urls = fields.Raw() publication_info = fields.List( NestedWithoutEmptyObjects(PublicationInfoItemSchemaV1, dump_only=True)) titles = fields.Method('get_titles') misc = fields.Method('get_misc') arxiv_eprint = fields.Method('get_arxiv_eprints') dois = fields.Method('get_dois') @pre_dump(pass_many=True)
[docs] def filter_references(self, data, many): reference_records = self.get_resolved_references_by_control_number( data) if not many: return self.get_resolved_reference(data, reference_records) references = [] for reference in data: resolved_reference = self.get_resolved_reference( reference, reference_records) references.append(resolved_reference) return references
[docs] def force_each_collaboration_to_be_object(self, data): if not data.get('record'): collaborations = get_value(data, 'reference.collaborations') if collaborations: data['reference']['collaborations'] = [{'value': collaboration} for collaboration in collaborations] return data
[docs] def get_resolved_reference(self, data, reference_records): reference_record_id = self.get_reference_record_id(data) reference_record = reference_records.get(reference_record_id) reference = self.get_reference_or_linked_reference_with_label( data, reference_record) return reference
[docs] def get_reference_record_id(self, data): return get_recid_from_ref(data.get('record'))
[docs] def get_resolved_references_by_control_number(self, data): data = force_list(data) resolved_records = get_linked_records_in_field( {'references': data}, 'references.record') return { record['control_number']: record for record in resolved_records }
[docs] def get_reference_or_linked_reference_with_label(self, data, reference_record): if reference_record: reference_record.update({ 'label': data.get('reference', {}).get('label', missing) }) return reference_record return data.get('reference')
[docs] def get_titles(self, data): title = data.pop('title', None) if title: data['titles'] = force_list(title) return data.get('titles', missing)
[docs] def get_dois(self, data): dois = data.get('dois', None) control_number = data.get('control_number') if dois and not control_number: data['dois'] = force_list( {'value': get_value(data, 'dois[0]', default=missing)}) elif dois: data['dois'] = force_list( {'value': get_value(data, 'dois[0].value', default=missing)}) return data.get('dois', missing)
[docs] def get_arxiv_eprints(self, data): arxiv_eprint = data.pop('arxiv_eprint', None) arxiv_eprints = data.get('arxiv_eprints') if arxiv_eprint: data['arxiv_eprint'] = force_list({'value': arxiv_eprint}) elif arxiv_eprints: data['arxiv_eprint'] = force_list( {'value': get_value(data, 'arxiv_eprints[0].value', default=missing)}) data.pop('arxiv_eprints', None) return data.get('arxiv_eprint', missing)
[docs] def get_misc(self, data): titles = data.get('titles') title = data.get('title') misc = data.get('misc') if not title and not titles and misc: return misc[0] return missing
[docs] def strip_empty(self, data): return strip_empty_values(data)