Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.schemas.json.literature.common.external_system_identifier

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from marshmallow import Schema, post_dump, fields, missing

[docs]class ExternalSystemIdentifierSchemaV1(Schema): url_name = fields.Method('get_url_name') url_link = fields.Method('get_url_link') schema_to_url_name_map = { 'ads': 'ADS Abstract Service', 'cds': 'CERN Document Server', 'euclid': 'Project Euclid', 'hal': 'HAL Archives Ouvertes', 'kekscan': 'KEK scanned document', 'msnet': 'AMS MathSciNet', 'osti': 'OSTI Information Bridge Server', 'zblatt': 'zbMATH' } schema_to_url_link_prefix_map = { 'ads': '', 'cds': '', 'euclid': '', 'hal': '', 'kekscan': '', 'msnet': '', 'osti': '', 'zblatt': '' }
[docs] def get_url_name(self, data): schema = data.get('schema').lower() url_name = self.schema_to_url_name_map.get(schema) if url_name is None: return missing return url_name
[docs] def filter(self, data, many): if not many: if self.is_missing_url_name_or_link(data): return {} return data data = self.take_ids_that_have_all_fields(data) data = self.take_first_id_foreach_url_name(data) return data
[docs] def take_ids_that_have_all_fields(self, external_system_ids): return [extid for extid in external_system_ids if not self.is_missing_url_name_or_link(extid)]
[docs] def take_first_id_foreach_url_name(self, external_system_ids): taken_url_names = set() unique_ids = [] for external_system_id in external_system_ids: url_name = external_system_id.get('url_name') if url_name not in taken_url_names: taken_url_names.add(url_name) unique_ids.append(external_system_id) return unique_ids