Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.response

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"""Serialization response factories.

Responsible for creating a HTTP response given the output of a serializer.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from flask import current_app

[docs]def record_responsify_nocache(serializer, mimetype): """Create a Records-REST response serializer with no cache. This is useful for formats such as bibtex where the code that generates the format might change so we don't want to use caching :param serializer: Serializer instance. :param mimetype: MIME type of response. """ def view(pid, record, code=200, headers=None, links_factory=None): response = current_app.response_class( serializer.serialize(pid, record, links_factory=links_factory), mimetype=mimetype) response.status_code = code if headers is not None: response.headers.extend(headers) return response return view
[docs]def facets_responsify(serializer, mimetype): """Create a Facets serializer As aggregations were removed from search query, now second call to the server is required to acquire data for Facets Args: serializer: Serializer instance. mimetype: MIME type of response. """ def view(query_results, code=200, headers=None, links_factory=None): response = current_app.response_class( serializer.serialize_facets(query_results), mimetype=mimetype) response.status_code = code if headers is not None: response.headers.extend(headers) return response return view