Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.pybtex_serializer_base

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"""BibTex serializer for records."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from pybtex.database import BibliographyData

[docs]class PybtexSerializerBase(object): """Pybtex serializer for records.""" def __init__(self, schema, writer): self.schema = schema self.writer = writer
[docs] def create_bibliography_entry(self, record): """Get a texkey and bibliography entry for an inspire record. Use the schema in ``self.schema`` to create a Pybtex bibliography entry and retrieve respective texkey from a ``record``. Args: record: A literature record. Returns: tuple: bibliography entry as a (texkey, pybtex_entry) tuple. """ bibtex_schema = self.schema data = bibtex_schema.load(record) return data
[docs] def create_bibliography(self, record_list): """Create a pybtex bibliography from individual entries. Args: record_list: A list of records of the bibliography. Returns: str: a serialized bibliography. """ bib_dict = {} for record in record_list: texkey, entries = self.create_bibliography_entry(record) bib_dict[texkey] = entries bib_data = BibliographyData(bib_dict) return self.writer.to_string(bib_data)
[docs] def serialize(self, pid, record, links_factory=None): """Serialize a single Bibtex record. Args: pid: Persistent identifier instance. record: Record instance. links_factory: Factory function for the link generation, which are added to the response. Returns: str: single serialized Bibtex record """ return self.create_bibliography([record])