Source code for inspirehep.modules.records.serializers.fields_export

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re

from babel import Locale
from isbn import ISBNError
from six import text_type

from idutils import is_arxiv_post_2007, normalize_isbn

from import PartialDate
from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from inspirehep.modules.hal.utils import (


[docs]def make_extractor(): """Create a function store decorator. Creates a decorator function that is used to collect extractor functions. They are put in a dictionary with the field they extract as keys. An extractor function is a function which returns a BibTeX field value given an inspire record and a document type. Returns: function: a decorator with a store for pre-processing/extracting functions. """ store = {} def extractor(field): def decorator(decorated_function): store[field] = decorated_function return decorated_function return decorator = store return extractor
[docs]def bibtex_document_type(doc_type, obj): """Return the BibTeX entry type. Maps the INSPIRE ``document_type`` to a BibTeX entry type. Also checks ``thesis_info.degree_type`` in case it's a thesis, as it stores the information on which kind of thesis we're dealing with. Args: doc_type (text_type): INSPIRE document type. obj (dict): literature record. Returns: text_type: bibtex document type for the given INSPIRE entry. """ DOCUMENT_TYPE_MAP = { 'article': 'article', 'book': 'book', 'book chapter': 'inbook', 'conference paper': 'inproceedings', 'proceedings': 'proceedings', 'report': 'techreport', 'note': 'article', # theses handled separately due to masters/phd distinction } if doc_type in DOCUMENT_TYPE_MAP: return DOCUMENT_TYPE_MAP[doc_type] # Theses need special treatment, because bibtex differentiates between their types: elif doc_type == 'thesis' and get_value(obj, 'thesis_info.degree_type') in ('phd', 'habilitation'): return 'phdthesis' # Other types of theses (other, bachelor, laurea) don't have separate types in bibtex: # We will use the type field (see `get_type`) to indicate the type of diploma. elif doc_type == 'thesis': return 'mastersthesis' return 'misc'
[docs]def bibtex_type_and_fields(data): """Return a BibTeX doc type and fields needed to be included in a BibTeX record. Args: data (dict): inspire record Returns: tuple: bibtex document type and fields """ # TODO: Establish a better method with which we choose the bibtex type if there is more that one inspire doc type bibtex_doc_types = [bibtex_document_type(doc_type, data) for doc_type in data['document_type']] + ['misc'] # Preference towards article, as it's more prestigious to have sth published: chosen_type = 'article' if 'article' in bibtex_doc_types else bibtex_doc_types[0] return chosen_type, FIELDS_FOR_ENTRY_TYPE[chosen_type] + COMMON_FIELDS_FOR_ENTRIES
[docs]def get_authors_with_role(authors, role): """Extract names of people from an authors field given their roles. Args: authors: authors field of the record. role: string specifying the role 'author', 'editor', etc. Returns: list of text_type: of names of people """ return [author['full_name'] for author in authors if role in author.get('inspire_roles', ['author'])]
[docs]def get_country_name_by_code(code, default=None): """Return a country name string from a country code. Args: code (str): country code in INSPIRE 2 letter format based on ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 default: value to be returned if no country of a given code exists Returns: text_type: name of a country, or ``default`` if no such country. """ try: return Locale('en').territories[code] except KeyError: return default
[docs]def get_best_publication_info(data): """Return the most comprehensive publication_info entry. Args: data (dict): inspire record Returns: dict: a publication_info entry or default if not found any """ publication_info = get_value(data, 'publication_info', []) only_publications = [entry for entry in publication_info if entry.get('material', 'publication') == 'publication'] if not only_publications: return {} return sorted(only_publications, key=len, reverse=True)[0]
[docs]def get_date(data, doc_type): """Return a publication/thesis/imprint date. Args: data (dict): INSPIRE literature record to be serialized doc_type (text_type): BibTeX document type, as reported by `bibtex_document_type` Returns: PartialDate: publication date for a record. """ publication_year = get_best_publication_info(data).get('year') thesis_date = get_value(data, '') imprint_date = get_value(data, '[0]') if doc_type.endswith('thesis'): date_choice = thesis_date or publication_year or imprint_date else: date_choice = publication_year or thesis_date or imprint_date if date_choice: return PartialDate.loads(str(date_choice))
# Functions below describe where the non-obvious data is located: # # Args: # data (dict): JSON literature record to be serialized # doc_type (text_type): BibTeX document type, as reported by `bibtex_document_type` extractor = make_extractor() @extractor('author')
[docs]def get_author(data, doc_type): """Get corporate author of a record. Note: Only used to generate author field if corporate_author is the author. """ if 'corporate_author' in data: return ' and '.join('{{{}}}'.format(author) for author in data['corporate_author'])
[docs]def get_journal(data, doc_type): return get_best_publication_info(data).get('journal_title')
[docs]def get_volume(data, doc_type): publication_volume = get_best_publication_info(data).get('journal_volume') bookseries_volume = get_value(data, 'book_series.volume[0]') return publication_volume or bookseries_volume
[docs]def get_year(data, doc_type): date = get_date(data, doc_type) if date: return date.year
[docs]def get_month(data, doc_type): date = get_date(data, doc_type) if date: return date.month
[docs]def get_number(data, doc_type): return get_best_publication_info(data).get('journal_issue')
[docs]def get_pages(data, doc_type): return get_page_artid_for_publication_info(get_best_publication_info(data), '--')
[docs]def get_primary_class(data, doc_type): eprint = get_value(data, 'arxiv_eprints.value[0]') if eprint and is_arxiv_post_2007(eprint): return get_value(data, 'arxiv_eprints[0].categories[0]')
[docs]def get_eprint(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'arxiv_eprints.value[0]')
[docs]def get_arxiv_prefix(data, doc_type): if get_eprint(data, doc_type): return "arXiv"
[docs]def get_school(data, doc_type): schools = [school['name'] for school in get_value(data, 'thesis_info.institutions', [])] if schools: return ', '.join(schools)
[docs]def get_address(data, doc_type): conference = get_conference_record(data, default={}) pubinfo_city = get_value(conference, 'address[0].cities[0]') pubinfo_country_code = get_value(conference, 'address[0].country_code') if pubinfo_city and pubinfo_country_code: return pubinfo_city + ', ' + get_country_name_by_code(pubinfo_country_code, default=pubinfo_country_code) return get_value(data, 'imprints[0].place')
[docs]def get_booktitle(data, doc_type): book_series_title = get_value(data, 'book_series.title[0]') conference_record = get_conference_record(data, default={}) return book_series_title or get_conference_title(conference_record, default=None)
[docs]def get_publisher(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'imprints.publisher[0]')
[docs]def get_report_number(data, doc_type): if 'report_numbers' in data: return ', '.join(report['value'] for report in data.get('report_numbers', []))
[docs]def get_isbn(data, doc_type): def hyphenate_if_possible(no_hyphens): try: return normalize_isbn(no_hyphens) except ISBNError: return no_hyphens isbns = get_value(data, 'isbns.value', []) if isbns: return ', '.join(hyphenate_if_possible(isbn) for isbn in isbns)
[docs]def get_type(data, doc_type): degree_type = get_value(data, 'thesis_info.degree_type', 'other') if doc_type == 'mastersthesis' and degree_type not in ('master', 'diploma'): return '{} thesis'.format(degree_type.title())
[docs]def get_edition(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'editions[0]')
[docs]def get_doi(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'dois.value[0]')
[docs]def get_title(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'titles.title[0]')
[docs]def get_url(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'urls.value[0]')
[docs]def get_collaboration(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'collaborations.value[0]')
[docs]def get_series(data, doc_type): return get_value(data, 'book_series.title[0]')
[docs]def get_note(data, doc_type): """Write and addendum/errata information to the BibTeX note field. Traverse publication_info looking for erratum and addendum in `publication_info.material` field and build a string of references to those publication entries. Returns: string: formatted list of the errata and addenda available for a given record """ notices = ('erratum', 'addendum') entries = [entry for entry in get_value(data, 'publication_info', []) if entry.get('material') in notices] if not entries: return None note_strings = [ text_type('{field}: {journal} {volume}, {pages} {year}').format( field=entry['material'].title(), journal=entry.get('journal_title'), volume=entry.get('journal_volume'), pages=get_page_artid_for_publication_info(entry, '--'), year='({})'.format(entry['year']) if 'year' in entry else '' ).strip() for entry in entries ] note_string = '[' + ', '.join(note_strings) + ']' note_string = re.sub(' +', ' ', note_string) # Remove possible multiple spaces return re.sub(',,', ',', note_string) # ... and commas