Source code for inspirehep.modules.pidstore.utils

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"""PIDStore utils."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from flask import current_app
from six import iteritems
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit

[docs]def get_pid_types_from_endpoints(): return _get_pid_type_endpoint_map().keys()
def _get_pid_type_endpoint_map(): pid_type_endpoint_map = {} for key, value in iteritems(current_app.config['RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS']): if value.get('default_endpoint_prefix'): pid_type_endpoint_map[value['pid_type']] = key return pid_type_endpoint_map
[docs]def get_endpoint_from_pid_type(pid_type): """Return the endpoint corresponding to a ``pid_type``.""" PID_TYPE_TO_ENDPOINT = _get_pid_type_endpoint_map() return PID_TYPE_TO_ENDPOINT[pid_type]
[docs]def get_pid_type_from_endpoint(endpoint): """Return the ``pid_type`` corresponding to an endpoint.""" ENDPOINT_TO_PID_TYPE = { v: k for k, v in iteritems(_get_pid_type_endpoint_map())} return ENDPOINT_TO_PID_TYPE[endpoint]
[docs]def get_pid_type_from_schema(schema): """Return the ``pid_type`` corresponding to a schema URL. The schema name corresponds to the ``endpoint`` in all cases except for Literature records. This implementation exploits this by falling back to ``get_pid_type_from_endpoint``. """ def _get_schema_name_from_schema(schema): return urlsplit(schema).path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] schema_name = _get_schema_name_from_schema(schema) if schema_name == 'hep': # FIXME: remove when hep.json -> literature.json return 'lit' return get_pid_type_from_endpoint(schema_name)