Source code for inspirehep.modules.literaturesuggest.normalizers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
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# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import json

from sqlalchemy import text
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from idutils import normalize_doi
from invenio_accounts.models import User
from invenio_db import db
from invenio_oauthclient.models import UserIdentity

from inspire_schemas.utils import split_page_artid
from inspirehep.utils.normalizers import (
    normalize_journal_title as _normalize_journal_title,

[docs]def check_book_existence(title): query = text(""" SELECT r.json -> 'self' ->> '$ref' AS self_jsonref FROM records_metadata AS r WHERE (r.json -> '_collections') ? 'Literature' AND (r.json -> 'document_type') ? 'book' AND (r.json -> 'titles') @> :title """).bindparams(title=json.dumps([{ "title": title }])) return db.session.execute(query)
[docs]def check_journal_existence(title): query = text(""" SELECT FROM records_metadata AS r WHERE (r.json -> '_collections') ? 'Journals' AND (r.json -> 'journal_title' @> :title) """).bindparams(title=json.dumps( { "title": title } )) return db.session.execute(query)
[docs]def normalize_formdata(obj, formdata): formdata = normalize_provided_doi(obj, formdata) formdata = get_user_orcid(obj, formdata) formdata = get_user_email(obj, formdata) formdata = split_page_range_article_id(obj, formdata) formdata = normalize_journal_title(obj, formdata) formdata = remove_english_language(obj, formdata) formdata = find_book_id(obj, formdata) return formdata
[docs]def normalize_provided_doi(obj, formdata): try: doi = formdata.get('doi') formdata['doi'] = normalize_doi(doi) except AttributeError: formdata['doi'] = None return formdata
[docs]def get_user_email(obj, formdata): try: formdata['email'] = User.query.get(obj.id_user).email except AttributeError: formdata['email'] = None return formdata
[docs]def get_user_orcid(obj, formdata): try: formdata['orcid'] = UserIdentity.query.filter_by( id_user=obj.id_user, method='orcid').one().id except NoResultFound: formdata['orcid'] = None return formdata
[docs]def split_page_range_article_id(obj, formdata): page_range_article_id = formdata.get('page_range_article_id') if page_range_article_id: page_start, page_end, artid = split_page_artid(page_range_article_id) formdata['start_page'] = page_start formdata['end_page'] = page_end formdata['artid'] = artid return formdata
[docs]def normalize_journal_title(obj, formdata): if formdata.get('type_of_doc') == 'book' or formdata.get('type_of_doc') == 'chapter': result = check_journal_existence(formdata.get('series_title')) if result.rowcount > 0: formdata['journal_title'] = _normalize_journal_title(formdata.get('series_title')) else: formdata['journal_title'] = _normalize_journal_title(formdata['journal_title']) return formdata
[docs]def find_book_id(obj, formdata): if formdata.get('type_of_doc') == 'chapter': if not formdata.get('parent_book'): result = list(check_book_existence(formdata.get('book_title'))) if len(result) == 1: formdata['parent_book'] = result[0][0] return formdata
[docs]def remove_english_language(obj, formdata): if formdata.get('language') == 'en': del formdata['language'] del formdata['title_translation'] return formdata