Source code for inspirehep.modules.forms.validators.simple_fields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from datetime import datetime
from json import loads
from urllib import urlencode

import requests
from flask import current_app
from flask_login import current_user
from idutils import is_arxiv
from invenio_search import current_search_client as es
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError, StopValidation

from inspire_matcher.api import match
from inspire_schemas.utils import load_schema
from inspire_utils.dedupers import dedupe_list
from inspire_utils.record import get_value

from inspirehep.utils.url import (

def _get_current_user_roles():
    return [ for r in current_user.roles]

[docs]def arxiv_syntax_validation(form, field): """Validate ArXiv ID syntax.""" message = "The provided ArXiv ID is invalid - it should look \ similar to 'hep-th/9711200' or '1207.7235'." if and not is_arxiv( raise StopValidation(message)
[docs]def does_exist_in_inspirehep(query, collections=None): """Check if there exist an item in the db which satisfies query. :param query: http query to check :param collections: collections to search in; by default searches in the default collection """ params = { 'p': query, 'of': 'id' } if collections: if len(collections) == 1: params['cc'] = collections[0] else: params['c'] = collections json_reply = requests.get( current_app.config['LEGACY_MATCH_ENDPOINT'] + "?", params=params ).text reply = loads(json_reply) # not an array -> invalid answer if not isinstance(reply, list): raise ValueError('Invalid server answer.') # non-empty answer -> duplicate if len(reply): return True return False
[docs]def duplicated_validator(property_name, property_value): def _is_not_deleted(base_record, match_result): return not get_value(match_result, '_source.deleted', default=False) config = { 'algorithm': [ { 'queries': [ { 'path': 'arxiv_id', 'search_path': 'arxiv_eprints.value.raw', 'type': 'exact', }, { 'path': 'doi', 'search_path': 'dois.value.raw', 'type': 'exact', }, ], 'validator': _is_not_deleted, }, ], 'doc_type': 'hep', 'index': 'records-hep', } if property_name == 'arXiv ID': data = { 'arxiv_id': property_value, } if property_name == 'DOI': data = { 'doi': property_value, } matches = dedupe_list(match(data, config)) matched_ids = [int(el['_source']['control_number']) for el in matches] if matched_ids: url = get_legacy_url_for_recid(matched_ids[0]) raise ValidationError( 'There exists already an item with the same %s. ' '<a target="_blank" href="%s">See the record.</a>' % (property_name, url) )
[docs]def inspirehep_duplicated_validator(inspire_query, property_name, collections=None): """Check if a record with the same doi already exists. Needs to be wrapped in a function with proper validator signature. """ if does_exist_in_inspirehep(inspire_query, collections): url = "{0}?{1}".format( current_app.config['LEGACY_MATCH_ENDPOINT'], urlencode({'p': inspire_query}) ) if collections: if len(collections) == 1: url += '&' + urlencode({'cc': collections[0]}) else: for collection in collections: url += '&' + urlencode({'c': collection}) raise ValidationError( 'There exists already an item with the same %s. ' '<a target="_blank" href="%s">See the record.</a>' % (property_name, url) )
[docs]def duplicated_orcid_validator(form, field): """Check if a record with the same ORCID already exists.""" orcid = # TODO: local check for duplicates if not orcid: return if current_app.config.get('PRODUCTION_MODE'): inspirehep_duplicated_validator('035__a:' + orcid, 'ORCID', collections=['HepNames'])
[docs]def duplicated_doi_validator(form, field): """Check if a record with the same doi already exists.""" doi_property_name = 'DOI' doi = if not doi: return # local check for duplicates duplicated_validator( property_name=doi_property_name, property_value=doi, ) if current_app.config.get('PRODUCTION_MODE'): user_roles = _get_current_user_roles() # First check in default collection inspirehep_duplicated_validator('doi:' + doi, doi_property_name) # And in Hal, CDS collection try: inspirehep_duplicated_validator( 'doi:' + doi, doi_property_name, collections=['HAL Hidden', 'CDS Hidden'], ) except ValidationError: if 'cataloger' in user_roles: raise
[docs]def duplicated_arxiv_id_validator(form, field): """Check if a record with the same arXiv ID already exists.""" arxiv_property_name = 'arXiv ID' arxiv_id = if not arxiv_id: return # local check for duplicates duplicated_validator( property_name=arxiv_property_name, property_value=arxiv_id, ) if current_app.config.get('PRODUCTION_MODE'): user_roles = _get_current_user_roles() # First check in default collection inspirehep_duplicated_validator( '' + arxiv_id, arxiv_property_name) # And in Hal, CDS collection try: inspirehep_duplicated_validator( '' + arxiv_id, arxiv_property_name, collections=['HAL Hidden', 'CDS Hidden']) except ValidationError: if 'cataloger' in user_roles: raise
[docs]def already_pending_in_holdingpen_validator(property_name, value): """Check if there's a submission in the holdingpen with the same arXiv ID. """ if property_name == 'arXiv ID': query_should = { 'metadata.arxiv_eprints.value.raw': value, } elif property_name == 'DOI': query_should = { 'metadata.dois.value.raw': value, } query = { "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "term": { "metadata.acquisition_source.source": "submitter" }, }, { "bool": { "must_not": { "term": { "_workflow.status": "COMPLETED" } } } } ], "must": [ { "term": query_should, } ] } }, "_source": { "includes": [ "_id" ] } } hits = index='holdingpen-hep', doc_type='hep', body=query, )['hits']['hits'] matches = dedupe_list(hits) holdingpen_ids = [int(el['_id']) for el in matches] if holdingpen_ids: raise ValidationError( 'There exists already a pending suggestion with the same %s ' '"%s", it will be attended to shortly.' % (property_name, value) )
[docs]def doi_already_pending_in_holdingpen_validator(form, field): """Check if there's a submission in the holdingpen with the same DOI. """ doi = if not doi: return already_pending_in_holdingpen_validator( property_name='DOI', value=doi, )
[docs]def arxiv_id_already_pending_in_holdingpen_validator(form, field): """Check if there's a submission in the holdingpen with the same arXiv ID. """ arxiv_id = if not arxiv_id: return already_pending_in_holdingpen_validator( property_name='arXiv ID', value=arxiv_id, )
[docs]def pdf_validator(form, field): """Validate that the field contains a link to a PDF.""" message = 'Please, provide an accessible direct link to a PDF document.' if and not is_pdf_link( raise StopValidation(message)
[docs]def no_pdf_validator(form, field): """Validate that the field does not contain a link to a PDF.""" message = 'Please, use the field above to link to a PDF.' if and is_pdf_link( raise StopValidation(message)
[docs]def date_validator(form, field): message = ("Please, provide a valid date in the format YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM" " or YYYY.") if for date_format in ["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m", "%Y"]: try: datetime.strptime(, date_format).date() except ValueError: pass else: break else: raise StopValidation(message)
[docs]def year_validator(form, field): """Validate that the field contains an year in an acceptable range.""" hep = load_schema('hep') min_year = get_value(hep, '') max_year = get_value(hep, '') message = 'Please, provide an year between {} and {}.'.format(min_year, max_year) if and not min_year <= int( <= max_year: raise StopValidation(message)