Source code for inspirehep.modules.forms.fields.wtformsext

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
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"""This module makes all WTForms fields available in WebDeposit.

This module makes all WTForms fields available in WebDeposit, and ensure that
they subclass INSPIREField for added functionality

The code is basically identical to importing all the WTForm fields and for each
field make a subclass according to the pattern (using FloatField as
an example):

.. code-block:: python

    class FloatField(INSPIREField, wtforms.FloatField):

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import itertools

import wtforms
from werkzeug import MultiDict
from wtforms.fields.core import Flags
from wtforms.utils import unset_value

from ..field_base import INSPIREField

__all__ = ['FormField', 'FieldList', 'DynamicFieldList']

for attr_name in dir(wtforms):
    attr = getattr(wtforms, attr_name)
        if issubclass(attr, wtforms.Field):
            # From a WTForm field, dynamically create a new class the same name
            # as the WTForm field (inheriting from INSPIREField() and the
            # WTForm field itself). Store the new class in the current module
            # with the same name as the WTForms.
            # For further information please see Python reference documentation
            # for globals() and type() functions.
            globals()[attr_name] = type(
                (INSPIREField, attr),
    except TypeError:

class FlagProxy(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self._obj = obj

    def __getattr__(self, k):
        result = getattr(self._obj._flags, k)

        if k in self._obj._populate:
            for f in self._obj.form._fields:
                x = getattr(self._obj.form._fields[f].flags, k)
                if x:
                    result = x

        return result

    def __setattr__(self, k, v):
        if k.startswith('_'):
            dict.__setattr__(self, k, v)
            setattr(self._obj._flags, k, v)

# Special needs for field enclosures
[docs]class FormField(INSPIREField, wtforms.FormField): """Deposition form field.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init.""" if 'autocomplete' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FormField cannot take autocomplete argument. ' 'Instead, define it on the enclosed fields.') if 'placeholder' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FormField cannot take placeholder argument. ' 'Instead, define it on the enclosed fields.') if 'processors' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FormField cannot take processors. ' 'Instead, define them on the enclosed fields.') self._flags = Flags() self._populate = kwargs.pop('populate', ['required']) super(FormField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset_field_data(self, exclude=[]): """Reset the ```` value to that of ``field.object_data``. Usually not called directly, but rather through ``Form.reset_field_data()``. :param exclude: List of formfield names to exclude. """ self.form.reset_field_data(exclude=exclude)
[docs] def process(self, formdata, data=unset_value): """Preprocess formdata in case we are passed a JSON data structure.""" if formdata and in formdata: if not isinstance(formdata[], dict): raise ValueError("Got unexpected value type") formdata = formdata[] formdata = MultiDict(dict([ ("%s%s%s" % (, self.separator, k), v) for k, v in formdata.items() ])) super(FormField, self).process(formdata, data=data)
[docs] def post_process(self, form=None, formfields=[], extra_processors=[], submit=False): """Run post process on each subfield. Run post process on each subfield as well as extra processors defined on form. """ # Ignore extra_processors on purpose (as they are not allowed for # field enclosures) self.form.post_process(form=self.form, formfields=formfields, submit=submit)
[docs] def perform_autocomplete(self, form, name, term, limit=50): """Run auto-complete method for field. This method should not be called directly, instead use Form.autocomplete(). """ if name.startswith( + self.separator): form = self.form_class( + self.separator) return form.autocomplete(name, term, limit=limit, _form=form) return None
[docs] def get_flags(self, filter_func=None): """Get flags.""" flags = self.form.get_flags(filter_func=filter_func) flags[] = filter_func(self) return flags
[docs] def set_flags(self, flags): """Set flags.""" self.form.set_flags(flags) super(FormField, self).set_flags(flags)
@property def flags(self): """Get flags in form of a proxy. This proxy accumulats flags stored in this object and all children fields. """ return FlagProxy(self) @flags.setter def flags(self, v): """Set flags stored in this object.""" if not isinstance(v, FlagProxy): self._flags = v @property def json_data(self): """JSON data property.""" return self.form.json_data @property def messages(self): """Message property.""" _messages = self.form.messages _messages.update(super(FormField, self).messages) return _messages
[docs]class FieldList(INSPIREField, wtforms.FieldList): """Deposition field list.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init.""" if 'autocomplete' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FieldList does not accept autocomplete argument.' 'Instead, define it on the enclosed field.') if 'placeholder' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FieldList does not accept placeholder argument. ' 'Instead, define it on the enclosed field.') if 'processors' in kwargs: raise TypeError('FieldList does not accept processors. ' 'Instead, define them on the enclosed field.') super(FieldList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_entries(self): """Get entries.""" # Needed so subclasses can customize which entries are returned return self.entries
def _add_entry(self, *args, **kwargs): try: return super(FieldList, self)._add_entry(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError as e: self.process_errors.append(e.args[0]) def _extract_indices(self, prefix, formdata): """ Yield indices of any keys with given prefix. formdata must be an object which will produce keys when iterated. For example, if field 'foo' contains keys 'foo-0-bar', 'foo-1-baz', then the numbers 0 and 1 will be yielded, but not neccesarily in order. """ # Add fix for non-standard separator separator = '-' if issubclass(self.unbound_field.field_class, FormField): separator = self.unbound_field.kwargs.get('separator', '-') offset = len(prefix) + 1 for k in formdata: if k.startswith(prefix): k = k[offset:].split(separator, 1)[0] if k.isdigit(): yield int(k)
[docs] def reset_field_data(self, exclude=[]): """Reset the value to that of field.object_data. Usually not called directly, but rather through Form.reset_field_data() :param exclude: List of formfield names to exclude. """ if not in exclude: for subfield in self.get_entries(): subfield.reset_field_data(exclude=exclude)
[docs] def validate(self, form, extra_validators=tuple()): """Adapted to use self.get_entries() instead of self.entries.""" self.errors = list(self.process_errors) # Run validators on all entries within for subfield in self.get_entries(): if not subfield.validate(form): self.errors.append(subfield.errors) chain = itertools.chain(self.validators, extra_validators) self._run_validation_chain(form, chain) return len(self.errors) == 0
[docs] def process(self, *args, **kwargs): """Process.""" self.process_errors = [] return super(FieldList, self).process(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def post_process(self, form=None, formfields=[], extra_processors=[], submit=False): """Run post process on each subfield. Run post process on each subfield as well as extra processors defined on form. """ for subfield in self.get_entries(): # Ignore extra_processors on purpose (as they are not allowed for # field enclosures) subfield.post_process( form=form, formfields=formfields, extra_processors=[], submit=submit )
[docs] def perform_autocomplete(self, form, name, term, limit=50): """Run auto-complete method for field. This method should not be called directly, instead use ``Form.autocomplete()``. """ separator = '-' if issubclass(self.unbound_field.field_class, FormField): separator = self.unbound_field.kwargs.get('separator', '-') offset = len( + 1 if name.startswith( idx = name[offset:].split(separator, 1)[0] field = self.bound_field(idx) if field: return field.perform_autocomplete(form, name, term, limit=limit) return None
[docs] def bound_field(self, idx): """Create a bound field for index.""" if idx.isdigit(): field = self.unbound_field.bind( form=None, name="%s-%s" % (, idx), prefix=self._prefix, id="%s-%s" % (, idx), ) return field return None
[docs] def get_flags(self, filter_func=None): """Get flags.""" flags = {} for f in self.get_entries(): if hasattr(f, 'get_flags'): flags.update(f.get_flags(filter_func=filter_func)) else: flags.update({ filter_func(f)}) flags[] = filter_func(self) return flags
[docs] def set_flags(self, flags): """Set flags.""" for f in self.get_entries(): f.set_flags(flags) super(FieldList, self).set_flags(flags)
@property def json_data(self): """JSON data property.""" return [ f.json_data if getattr(f, 'json_data', None) else for f in self.get_entries() ] @property def data(self): """Adapted to use self.get_entries() instead of self.entries.""" return [ for f in self.get_entries()] @property def messages(self): """Message.""" _messages = {} for f in self.get_entries(): _messages.update(f.messages) _messages.update(super(FieldList, self).messages) return _messages
[docs]class DynamicFieldList(FieldList): """Encapsulate an ordered list of multiple instances of the same field type. Encapsulate an ordered list of multiple instances of the same field type, keeping data as a list. Extends WTForm FieldList field to allow dynamic add/remove of enclosed fields. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Init.""" from ..field_widgets import DynamicListWidget self.widget = kwargs.pop('widget', DynamicListWidget()) self.empty_index = kwargs.pop('empty_index', '__index__') self.add_label = kwargs.pop('add_label', None) super(DynamicFieldList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def process(self, formdata, data=unset_value): """Adapted from wtforms.FieldList. Adapted from wtforms.FieldList to allow merging content formdata and draft data properly. """ self.process_errors = [] self.entries = [] if data is unset_value or not data: try: data = self.default() except TypeError: data = self.default self.object_data = data if formdata: if not in formdata: max_index = max( [len(data) - 1] + list( set(self._extract_indices(, formdata)) ) ) indices = range(0, max_index + 1) if self.max_entries: indices = indices[:self.max_entries] idata = iter(data) for index in indices: try: obj_data = next(idata) except StopIteration: obj_data = unset_value self._add_entry(formdata, obj_data, index=index) else: # Update keys in formdata, to allow proper form processing self.raw_data = formdata.getlist( for index, raw_entry in enumerate(self.raw_data): entry_formdata = MultiDict({ "%s-%s" % (, index): raw_entry }) self._add_entry(entry_formdata, index=index) else: for obj_data in data: self._add_entry(formdata, obj_data) while len(self.entries) < self.min_entries: self._add_entry(formdata) self._add_empty_entry()
def _add_empty_entry(self): kwargs = dict( form=None, name='%s-%s' % (self.short_name, self.empty_index), prefix=self._prefix, id='%s-%s' % (, self.empty_index), ) _meta = getattr(self, 'meta', None) if _meta is not None: kwargs['_meta'] = _meta field = self.unbound_field.bind(**kwargs) field.process(None, None) self.entries.append(field) return field
[docs] def get_entries(self): """Filter out empty index entry.""" return filter( lambda e: not, self.entries )
[docs] def bound_field(self, idx, force=False): """Create a bound subfield for this list.""" if idx.isdigit() or idx in [self.empty_index, '__input__'] or force: kwargs = dict( form=None, name='%s-%s' % (, idx), prefix=self._prefix, id='%s-%s' % (, idx), ) _meta = getattr(self, 'meta', None) if _meta is not None: kwargs['_meta'] = _meta field = self.unbound_field.bind(**kwargs) return field return None