Source code for inspirehep.modules.disambiguation.core.db.readers

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"""Disambiguation core DB readers."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from elasticsearch_dsl import Q
from sqlalchemy import type_coerce
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB

from invenio_records.models import RecordMetadata

from inspire_dojson.utils import get_recid_from_ref
from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from import LiteratureSearch
from inspirehep.utils.record import (


[docs]def get_all_signatures(): """Get all signatures from the DB. Walks through all Literature records and collects all signatures in order to build the running set for ``BEARD``. Yields: dict: a signature. """ query = RecordMetadata.query.with_entities(RecordMetadata.json).filter( type_coerce(RecordMetadata.json, JSONB)['_collections'].contains(['Literature'])) for record in query.yield_per(1000): publication_id = record.json['control_number'] for author in record.json.get('authors', []): yield _build_signature(author, publication_id)
[docs]def get_all_curated_signatures(): """Get all curated signatures from the DB. Walks through all Literature records and collects all signatures that were marked as curated in order to build the training set for ``BEARD``. Yields: dict: a curated signature. """ query = RecordMetadata.query.with_entities(RecordMetadata.json).filter( type_coerce(RecordMetadata.json, JSONB)['_collections'].contains(['Literature'])) for record in query.yield_per(1000): publication_id = record.json['control_number'] for author in record.json.get('authors', []): if author.get('curated_relation'): yield _build_signature(author, publication_id)
[docs]def get_signatures_matching_a_phonetic_encoding(phonetic_encoding): """Get all signatures matching a phonetic encoding from ES. Args: phonetic_encodings(str): a phonetic encoding. Yields: dict: a signature matching the phonetic encoding. """ query = Q('term', authors__signature_block__raw=phonetic_encoding) search_by_phonetic_encoding = LiteratureSearch().query('nested', path='authors', query=query)\ .params(_source=SIGNATURE_FIELDS, size=9999) for record in search_by_phonetic_encoding: record = record.to_dict() publication_id = record['control_number'] for author in record.get('authors', []): if author.get('signature_block') == phonetic_encoding: yield _build_signature(author, publication_id)
[docs]def get_all_publications(): """Get all publications from the DB. Walks through all Literature records and collects all information that will be useful for ``BEARD`` during training and prediction. Yields: dict: a publication. """ query = RecordMetadata.query.with_entities(RecordMetadata.json).filter( type_coerce(RecordMetadata.json, JSONB)['_collections'].contains(['Literature'])) for record in query.yield_per(1000): yield _build_publication(record.json)
def _build_publication(record): return { 'abstract': get_abstract(record), 'authors': _get_authors(record), 'collaborations': get_collaborations(record), 'keywords': get_keywords(record), 'publication_id': record['control_number'], 'title': get_title(record), 'topics': get_inspire_categories(record), } def _build_signature(author, publication_id): return { 'author_affiliation': _get_author_affiliation(author), 'author_id': _get_author_id(author), 'author_name': author['full_name'], 'publication_id': publication_id, 'signature_block': author.get('signature_block'), 'signature_uuid': author['uuid'], } def _get_author_affiliation(author): return get_value(author, 'affiliations.value[0]', default='') def _get_author_id(author): if author.get('curated_relation'): return get_recid_from_ref(author.get('record')) def _get_authors(record): return get_value(record, 'authors.full_name', default=[])