Source code for inspirehep.modules.authors.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Helper functions for authors."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import re

import numpy as np
from beard.utils.strings import asciify
from beard.clustering import block_phonetic

_bai_parentheses_cleaner = \
    re.compile(r"(\([^)]*\))|(\[[^\]]*\])|(\{[^\}]*\})", re.UNICODE)
_bai_last_name_separator = re.compile(r"[,;]+", re.UNICODE)
_bai_names_separator = re.compile("[,;.=\-\s]+", re.UNICODE)
_bai_special_char_mapping = {'ß': 'ss', 'ä': 'ae', 'ö': 'oe', 'ü': 'ue'}
_bai_nonletters = re.compile(r"[^\w\s]|\d", re.UNICODE)
_bai_spaces = re.compile(r"\s+", re.UNICODE)
_bai_particles = ["da", "de", "del", "den", "der",
                  "du", "van", "von", "het", "y"]
split_on_re = re.compile('[\.\s-]')
single_initial_re = re.compile('^\w\.$')

def _nonempty(words):
    words = [w.strip() for w in words]
    words = [w for w in words if len(w) >= 1]
    return words

[docs]def bai(name): # Remove content in parentheses name = _bai_parentheses_cleaner.sub("", name) # Get last name and initials names = _bai_last_name_separator.split(name, maxsplit=1) names = _nonempty(names) if len(names) == 1: names = _bai_spaces.split(name, maxsplit=1) names = _nonempty(names) if len(names) == 0: return "" elif len(names) == 2: last_name = names[0] initials = [w[0].upper() for w in _bai_names_separator.split(names[1]) if w] else: last_name = names[0] initials = [] # Asciify for char, replacement in _bai_special_char_mapping.items(): last_name = last_name.replace(char, replacement) initials = [i.replace(char, replacement) for i in initials] last_name = asciify(last_name) initials = _nonempty([asciify(i) for i in initials]) # Capitalize words in last name words = _bai_names_separator.split(last_name) words = _nonempty(words) for i, w in enumerate(words): if w.lower() in _bai_particles and i < len(words) - 1: words[i] = w.lower() elif (all([c.isupper() or c == "'" for c in w]) or all([c.islower() or c == "'" for c in w])): words[i] = w.title() else: words[i] = w bai = "%s %s" % (" ".join(initials), " ".join(words)) # Keep letters and spaces bai = _bai_nonletters.sub("", bai) bai = bai.strip() # Replace all spaces with . bai = _bai_spaces.sub(".", bai) return bai
[docs]def phonetic_blocks(full_names, phonetic_algorithm='nysiis'): """Create a dictionary of phonetic blocks for a given list of names.""" # The method requires a list of dictionaries with full_name as keys. full_names_formatted = [ {"author_name": i} for i in full_names] # Create a list of phonetic blocks. phonetic_blocks = list( block_phonetic(np.array( full_names_formatted, dtype=np.object).reshape(-1, 1), threshold=0, phonetic_algorithm=phonetic_algorithm ) ) return dict(zip(full_names, phonetic_blocks))