Source code for

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from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import json

from elasticsearch_dsl import Q

from import LiteratureSearch

[docs]class AuthorAPICitations(object): """API endpoint for author collection returning citations."""
[docs] def serialize(self, pid, record, links_factory=None): """Return a list of citations for a given author recid. :param pid: Persistent identifier instance. :param record: Record instance. :param links_factory: Factory function for the link generation, which are added to the response. """ author_pid = pid.pid_value citations = {} query = Q('match', authors__recid=author_pid) search = LiteratureSearch().query('nested', path='authors', query=query)\ .params(_source=[ 'authors.recid', 'control_number', 'self', ]) # For each publication co-authored by a given author... for result in search.scan(): result_source = result.to_dict() recid = result_source['control_number'] authors = set([i['recid'] for i in result_source['authors']]) citations[recid] = {} nested_search = LiteratureSearch().query({ "match": { "references.recid": recid } }).params( _source=[ "authors.recid", "collections", "control_number", "earliest_date", "self", ] ) # The source record that is being cited. citations[recid]['citee'] = dict( id=recid, record=result_source['self'], ) citations[recid]['citers'] = [] # Check all publications, which cite the parent record. for nested_result in nested_search.scan(): nested_result_source = nested_result.to_dict() # Not every signature has a recid (at least for demo records). try: nested_authors = set( [i['recid'] for i in nested_result_source['authors']] ) except KeyError: nested_authors = set() citation = dict( citer=dict( id=int(nested_result_source['control_number']), record=nested_result_source['self'] ), # If at least one author is shared, it's a self-citation. self_citation=len(authors & nested_authors) > 0, ) # Get the earliest date of a citer. try: citation['date'] = nested_result_source['earliest_date'] except KeyError: pass # Get status if a citer is published. # FIXME: As discussed with Sam, we should have a boolean flag # for this type of information. try: citation['published_paper'] = "Published" in [ i['primary'] for i in nested_result_source[ 'collections']] except KeyError: citation['published_paper'] = False citations[recid]['citers'].append(citation) return json.dumps(citations.values())