Source code for inspirehep.utils.record_getter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Resource-aware json reference loaders to be used with jsonref."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from functools import wraps

from flask import current_app
from sqlalchemy import tuple_
from werkzeug.utils import import_string

from invenio_pidstore.models import PersistentIdentifier
from invenio_records.models import RecordMetadata

from inspirehep.modules.pidstore.utils import get_endpoint_from_pid_type

[docs]class RecordGetterError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, cause): super(RecordGetterError, self).__init__(message) self.cause = cause def __repr__(self): return '{} caused by {}'.format( super(RecordGetterError, self).__repr__(), repr(self.cause) ) def __str__(self): return repr(self)
[docs]def raise_record_getter_error_and_log(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: current_app.logger.exception("Can't load recid %s", args) raise RecordGetterError(e.message, e) return wrapper
[docs]def get_es_record(pid_type, recid, **kwargs): pid = PersistentIdentifier.get(pid_type, recid) endpoint = get_endpoint_from_pid_type(pid_type) search_conf = current_app.config['RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS'][endpoint] search_class = import_string(search_conf['search_class'])() return search_class.get_source(pid.object_uuid, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_es_records(pid_type, recids, **kwargs): """Get a list of recids from ElasticSearch.""" recids = [str(recid) for recid in recids] uuids = PersistentIdentifier.query.filter( PersistentIdentifier.pid_value.in_(recids), PersistentIdentifier.pid_type == pid_type ).all() uuids = [str(uuid.object_uuid) for uuid in uuids] endpoint = get_endpoint_from_pid_type(pid_type) search_conf = current_app.config['RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS'][endpoint] search_class = import_string(search_conf['search_class'])() return search_class.mget(uuids, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_es_record_by_uuid(uuid): pid = PersistentIdentifier.query.filter_by(object_uuid=uuid).one() endpoint = get_endpoint_from_pid_type(pid.pid_type) search_conf = current_app.config['RECORDS_REST_ENDPOINTS'][endpoint] search_class = import_string(search_conf['search_class'])() return search_class.get_source(uuid)
[docs]def get_db_record(pid_type, recid): from inspirehep.modules.records.api import InspireRecord pid = PersistentIdentifier.get(pid_type, recid) return InspireRecord.get_record(pid.object_uuid)
[docs]def get_db_records(pids): """Get an iterator on record metadata from the DB. Args: pids (Iterable[Tuple[str, Union[str, int]]): a list of (pid_type, pid_value) tuples. Yields: dict: metadata of a record found in the database. Warning: The order in which records are returned is different from the order of the input. """ pids = [(pid_type, str(pid_value)) for (pid_type, pid_value) in pids] if not pids: return query = RecordMetadata.query.join( PersistentIdentifier, == PersistentIdentifier.object_uuid ).filter( PersistentIdentifier.object_type == 'rec', # So it can use the 'idx_object' index tuple_(PersistentIdentifier.pid_type, PersistentIdentifier.pid_value).in_(pids) ) for record in query.yield_per(100): yield record.json