Source code for inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.submission

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of INSPIRE.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CERN.
# INSPIRE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# INSPIRE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with INSPIRE. If not, see <>.
# In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
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# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

"""Contains INSPIRE specific submission tasks."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import os
import logging
from copy import copy
from functools import wraps
from pprint import pformat

import backoff
import rt
from flask import current_app

from invenio_accounts.models import User
from invenio_db import db

from inspire_dojson import record2marcxml
from inspirehep.modules.workflows.models import WorkflowsPendingRecord
from inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.actions import in_production_mode
from inspirehep.modules.workflows.utils import with_debug_logging
from inspirehep.utils.robotupload import make_robotupload_marcxml
from inspirehep.utils import tickets
from inspirehep.utils.proxies import rt_instance

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

@backoff.on_exception(backoff.expo, rt.ConnectionError, base=4, max_tries=5)
[docs]def submit_rt_ticket(obj, queue, template, context, requestors, recid, ticket_id_key): """Submit ticket to RT with the given parameters.""" new_ticket_id = tickets.create_ticket_with_template(queue, requestors, template, context, context.get("subject"), recid) obj.extra_data[ticket_id_key] = new_ticket_id'Ticket {0} created'.format(new_ticket_id)) return new_ticket_id
[docs]def create_ticket(template, context_factory=None, queue="Test", ticket_id_key="ticket_id"): """Create a ticket for the submission. Creates the ticket in the given queue and stores the ticket ID in the extra_data key specified in ticket_id_key. """ @with_debug_logging @wraps(create_ticket) def _create_ticket(obj, eng): user = User.query.get(obj.id_user) context = {} if context_factory: context = context_factory(user, obj) if not in_production_mode(): u'Was going to create ticket: {subject}\n' u'To: {requestors} Queue: {queue}'.format( queue=queue, subject=context.get('subject'), if user else '', ) ) return {} recid = obj.extra_data.get("recid") or"control_number") new_ticket_id = submit_rt_ticket( obj, queue, template, context, if user else '', recid, ticket_id_key ) return {ticket_id_key: new_ticket_id} return _create_ticket
[docs]def reply_ticket(template=None, context_factory=None, keep_new=False): """Reply to a ticket for the submission.""" @with_debug_logging @wraps(reply_ticket) def _reply_ticket(obj, eng): ticket_id_key = "ticket_id" ticket_id = obj.extra_data.get(ticket_id_key) if not rt_instance: obj.log.error("No RT instance available. Skipping!") "Was going to reply to {ticket_id}\n".format( ticket_id=ticket_id, ) ) return {} if not ticket_id: obj.log.error("No ticket ID found!") return {} user = User.query.get(obj.id_user) if not user: obj.log.error( "No user found for object %s, skipping ticket creation", return {} if template: context = {} if context_factory: context = context_factory(user, obj) tickets.reply_ticket_with_template(ticket_id, template, context, keep_new) else: # Body already rendered in reason. body = obj.extra_data.get("reason", "") if body: tickets.reply_ticket(ticket_id, body, keep_new) else: obj.log.error("No body for ticket reply. Skipping reply.") return {} return _reply_ticket
[docs]def close_ticket(ticket_id_key="ticket_id"): """Close the ticket associated with this record found in given key.""" @with_debug_logging @wraps(close_ticket) def _close_ticket(obj, eng): ticket_id = obj.extra_data.get(ticket_id_key, "") if not ticket_id: obj.log.error("No ticket ID found!") return {} if not rt_instance: obj.log.error("No RT instance available. Skipping!") "Was going to close ticket {ticket_id}".format( ticket_id=ticket_id, ) ) return {} tickets.resolve_ticket(ticket_id) return {} return _close_ticket
[docs]def send_robotupload( url=None, callback_url="callback/workflows/robotupload", mode="insert", extra_data_key=None ): """Get the MARCXML from the model and ship it. If callback_url is set the workflow will halt and the callback is responsible for resuming it. """ @with_debug_logging @wraps(send_robotupload) def _send_robotupload(obj, eng): combined_callback_url = '' if callback_url: combined_callback_url = os.path.join( current_app.config["SERVER_NAME"], callback_url ) if not combined_callback_url.startswith('http'): combined_callback_url = "https://{0}".format( combined_callback_url ) if extra_data_key is not None: data = obj.extra_data.get(extra_data_key) or {} else: data = if not current_app.config.get('FEATURE_FLAG_ENABLE_SENDING_REFERENCES_TO_LEGACY'): data = copy(data) data.pop('references', None) marcxml = record2marcxml(data) if current_app.debug: # Log what we are sending LOGGER.debug( "Going to robotupload mode:%s to url:%s:\n%s\n", mode, url, marcxml, ) if not in_production_mode(): obj.log.debug( "Going to robotupload %s to %s:\n%s\n", mode, url, marcxml, ) obj.log.debug( "Base object data:\n%s", pformat(data) ) return result = make_robotupload_marcxml( url=url, marcxml=marcxml, callback_url=combined_callback_url, mode=mode,, priority=5, ) if "[INFO]" not in result.text: if "cannot use the service" in result.text: # IP not in the list obj.log.error("Your IP is not in " "app.config_BATCHUPLOADER_WEB_ROBOT_RIGHTS " "on host: %s", result.text) txt = "Error while submitting robotupload: {0}".format(result.text) raise Exception(txt) else:"Robotupload sent!") if callback_url: eng.halt("Waiting for robotupload: {0}".format(result.text))"end of upload") return _send_robotupload
[docs]def send_to_legacy(obj, eng): update_legacy_flag = current_app.config.get('FEATURE_FLAG_ENABLE_UPDATE_TO_LEGACY', False) if obj.extra_data.get('is-update', False) and not update_legacy_flag:'skipping upload to legacy, feature flag ``FEATURE_FLAG_ENABLE_UPDATE_TO_LEGACY`` is disabled.') return else: send_robotupload(mode='replace')(obj, eng)
[docs]def wait_webcoll(obj, eng): if not in_production_mode(): obj.log.debug("Would have wait for webcoll callback.") return eng.halt("Waiting for webcoll.")
[docs]def filter_keywords(obj, eng): """Removes non-accepted keywords from the metadata""" prediction = obj.extra_data.get('keywords_prediction', {}) if prediction: keywords = prediction.get('keywords') keywords = filter(lambda x: x['accept'], keywords) obj.extra_data['keywords_prediction']['keywords'] = keywords obj.log.debug('Filtered keywords: \n%s', pformat(keywords)) obj.log.debug('Got no prediction for keywords')
[docs]def prepare_keywords(obj, eng): """Prepares the keywords in the correct format to be sent""" prediction = obj.extra_data.get('keywords_prediction', {}) if not prediction: return keywords ='keywords', []) for keyword in prediction.get('keywords', []): # TODO: differentiate between curated and guessed keywords keywords.append( { 'value': keyword['label'], 'source': 'curator' if keyword.get('curated') else 'magpie', } )['keywords'] = keywords obj.log.debug('Finally got keywords: \n%s', pformat(keywords))
[docs]def cleanup_pending_workflow(obj, eng): """Cleans up the pending workflow entry for this workflow if any.""" WorkflowsPendingRecord.query.filter( WorkflowsPendingRecord.workflow_id == ).delete() db.session.commit()