Source code for inspirehep.modules.workflows.tasks.classifier

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Set of tasks for classification."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from functools import wraps

from inspire_utils.record import get_value
from invenio_classifier import (
from invenio_classifier.errors import ClassifierException
from invenio_classifier.reader import KeywordToken

from ..proxies import antihep_keywords
from ..utils import with_debug_logging, get_document_in_workflow

[docs]def filter_core_keywords(obj, eng): """Filter core keywords.""" try: result = obj.extra_data['classifier_results']["complete_output"] except KeyError: return filtered_core_keywords = [ keyword for keyword in result.get('core_keywords') if keyword['keyword'] not in antihep_keywords ] result["filtered_core_keywords"] = filtered_core_keywords obj.extra_data['classifier_results']["complete_output"] = result
[docs]def classify_paper(taxonomy=None, rebuild_cache=False, no_cache=False, output_limit=20, spires=False, match_mode='full', with_author_keywords=False, extract_acronyms=False, only_core_tags=False, fast_mode=False): """Extract keywords from a pdf file or metadata in a OAI harvest.""" @with_debug_logging @wraps(classify_paper) def _classify_paper(obj, eng): from flask import current_app params = dict( taxonomy_name=taxonomy or current_app.config['HEP_ONTOLOGY_FILE'], output_mode='dict', output_limit=output_limit, spires=spires, match_mode=match_mode, no_cache=no_cache, with_author_keywords=with_author_keywords, rebuild_cache=rebuild_cache, only_core_tags=only_core_tags, extract_acronyms=extract_acronyms ) fulltext_used = True with get_document_in_workflow(obj) as tmp_document: try: if tmp_document: result = get_keywords_from_local_file(tmp_document, **params) else: data = get_value(, 'titles.title', []) data.extend(get_value(, 'titles.subtitle', [])) data.extend(get_value(, 'abstracts.value', [])) data.extend(get_value(, 'keywords.value', [])) if not data: obj.log.error("No classification done due to missing data.") return result = get_keywords_from_text(data, **params) fulltext_used = False except ClassifierException as e: obj.log.exception(e) return result['complete_output'] = clean_instances_from_data( result.get("complete_output", {}) ) result["fulltext_used"] = fulltext_used # Check if it is not empty output before adding if any(result.get("complete_output", {}).values()): obj.extra_data['classifier_results'] = result return _classify_paper
[docs]def clean_instances_from_data(output): """Check if specific keys are of InstanceType and replace them with their id.""" new_output = {} for output_key in output.keys(): keywords = output[output_key] for key in keywords: if isinstance(key, KeywordToken): keywords[] = keywords.pop(key) new_output[output_key] = keywords return new_output