Source code for inspirehep.modules.forms.field_widgets

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"""Implement custom field widgets."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from inspirehep.utils.template import render_macro_from_template

from wtforms.widgets import HiddenInput, HTMLString, Input, RadioInput, \
    TextInput, html_params

[docs]class ButtonWidget(object): """Implement Bootstrap HTML5 button.""" def __init__(self, label="", tooltip=None, icon=None, **kwargs): """Initialize button widget. .. note:: the icons assume use of Twitter Bootstrap, Font Awesome or some other icon library, that allows inserting icons with a <i>-tag. :param tooltip: str, Tooltip text for the button. :param icon: str, Name of an icon, e.g. icon-barcode. """ self.icon = icon self.label = label self.default_params = kwargs self.default_params.setdefault('type', 'button') if tooltip: self.default_params.setdefault('data-toggle', 'tooltip') self.default_params.setdefault('title', tooltip) super(ButtonWidget, self).__init__() def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): """Render button widget.""" params = self.default_params.copy() params.update(kwargs) params.setdefault('id', params['class_'] = params.get('class_', "") + " form-button" icon = "" if self.icon: icon = '<i class="%s"></i> ' % self.icon state = "" if field._value(): state = ('<span class="text-success"> ' '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i></span>') return HTMLString(u'<button %s>%s%s</button><span %s>%s</span>' % ( html_params(, **params), icon, self.label, html_params( + '-loader', class_='loader'), state, ))
[docs]class TagInput(Input): """Implement tag input widget.""" input_type = 'hidden' def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): """Render tag input widget.""" if "__input__" in self.input_type = 'text' html = super(TagInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) self.input_type = 'hidden' else: return super(TagInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) return html
[docs]class WrappedInput(Input): """Widget to wrap text input in further markup.""" wrapper = '<div>%(field)s</div>' wrapped_widget = TextInput() def __init__(self, widget=None, wrapper=None, **kwargs): """Initialize wrapped input with widget and wrapper.""" self.wrapped_widget = widget or self.wrapped_widget self.wrapper_args = kwargs if wrapper is not None: self.wrapper = wrapper def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): """Render wrapped input.""" return HTMLString(self.wrapper % dict( field=self.wrapped_widget(field, **kwargs), **self.wrapper_args ))
[docs]class ColumnInput(WrappedInput): """Specialized column wrapped input.""" @property def wrapper(self): """Wrapper template with description support.""" if 'description' in self.wrapper_args: return ('<div class="%(class_)s">%(field)s' '<p class="text-muted field-desc">' '<small>%(description)s</small></p></div>') return '<div class="%(class_)s">%(field)s</div>'
# # Item widgets #
[docs]class ItemWidget(object): """Render each subfield without additional markup around the subfield.""" def __call__(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Render given ``subfield``.""" return subfield()
[docs]class ListItemWidget(ItemWidget): """Render each subfield in a ExtendedListWidget as a list element. If `with_label` is set, the fields label will be rendered. If `prefix_label` is set, the label will be prefixed, otherwise it will be suffixed. """ def __init__(self, html_tag='li', with_label=True, prefix_label=True, class_=None): """Initialize list item with html tag. :param html_tag: name of html tag can be 'li', 'div', or 'span'. """ assert html_tag in ('li', 'div', 'span', None) self.html_tag = html_tag self.prefix_label = prefix_label self.with_label = with_label self.class_ = class_
[docs] def render_subfield(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Render subfield.""" if self.with_label: if self.prefix_label: return '%s: %s' % (subfield.label, subfield()) else: return '%s %s' % (subfield(), subfield.label) else: return subfield()
[docs] def open_tag(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Return open tag.""" if self.html_tag: return '<%s %s>' % ( self.html_tag, html_params(class_=self.class_ or kwargs.get('class_', '')) ) return ''
[docs] def close_tag(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Return close tag.""" if self.html_tag: return '</%s>' % self.html_tag return ''
def __call__(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Render list item widget.""" html = [self.open_tag(subfield, **kwargs)] html.append(self.render_subfield(subfield, **kwargs)) html.append(self.close_tag(subfield, **kwargs)) return HTMLString(''.join(html))
[docs]class DynamicItemWidget(ListItemWidget): """Render each subfield in a ExtendedListWidget enclosed in a div. It adds also tag with buttons for sorting and removing the item. I.e. something like: .. code-block:: jinja <div><span>"buttons</span>:field</div> """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize dynamic item widget.""" self.icon_reorder = kwargs.pop('icon_reorder', 'fa fa-sort fa-fw') self.icon_remove = kwargs.pop('icon_remove', 'fa fa-times fa-fw') defaults = dict( html_tag='div', with_label=True, ) defaults.update(kwargs) super(DynamicItemWidget, self).__init__(**defaults) def _sort_button(self): return ("""<a class="sort-element text-muted sortlink iconlink" """ """rel="tooltip" title="Drag to reorder"><i class="%s">""" """</i></a>""" % self.icon_reorder) def _remove_button(self): return ("""<a class="remove-element text-muted iconlink" """ """rel="tooltip" title="Click to remove"><i class="%s">""" """</i></a>""" % self.icon_remove)
[docs] def render_subfield(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Render subfield.""" html = [] html.append("<div %s>" % html_params(class_='row')) # Field html.append(subfield()) # Buttons html.append("<div %s>%s</div>" % ( html_params(class_='col-xs-2'), self._sort_button() + self._remove_button() )) html.append("</div>") return ''.join(html)
def __call__(self, subfield, **kwargs): """Render dynamic item widget.""" kwargs.setdefault('id', 'element-' + # Are we rendering an empty form element? empty_index = kwargs.pop('empty_index', '__index__') if kwargs['class_'] = kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' empty-element' elif'__input__'): kwargs['class_'] = kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' input-element' else: # for deposit form kwargs['class_'] = kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' field-list-element' return super(DynamicItemWidget, self).__call__(subfield, **kwargs)
# # List widgets #
[docs]class ExtendedListWidget(object): """Render a list of fields as a `ul`, `ol` or `div` list. This is used for fields which encapsulate a list of other fields as subfields. The widget will try to iterate the field to get access to the subfields and call them to render them. The `item_widget` decide how subfields are rendered, and usually just provide a thin wrapper around the subfields render method. E.g. ExtendedListWidget renders the ul-tag, while the ListItemWidget renders each li-tag. The content of the li-tag is rendered by the subfield's widget. """ item_widget = ListItemWidget() def __init__(self, html_tag='ul', item_widget=None, class_=None): """Initialize extended list widget.""" assert html_tag in ('ol', 'ul', 'div', None) self.html_tag = html_tag self.class_ = class_ if item_widget: self.item_widget = item_widget
[docs] def open_tag(self, field, **kwargs): """Render open tag.""" if self.html_tag: kwargs.setdefault('id', if self.class_: kwargs['class_'] = kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' ' + self.class_ return '<%s %s>' % (self.html_tag, html_params(**kwargs)) return ''
[docs] def close_tag(self, field, **kwargs): """Render close tag.""" if self.html_tag: return '</%s>' % self.html_tag return ''
[docs] def item_kwargs(self, field, subfield): """Return keyword arguments for a field.""" return {}
def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): """Render extended list widget.""" html = [self.open_tag(field, **kwargs)] hidden = [] for subfield in field: if isinstance(subfield.widget, HiddenInput) or \ self.item_widget is None: hidden.append(subfield) else: html.append( self.item_widget(subfield, **self.item_kwargs(field, subfield)) ) html.append(self.close_tag(field, **kwargs)) # Add hidden fields in the end. for h in hidden: html.append(h()) return HTMLString(''.join(html))
[docs]class DynamicListWidget(ExtendedListWidget): """Render a list of fields as a list of divs. Additionally adds: * A hidden input to keep track of the last index. * An 'add another' item button. Each subfield is rendered with DynamicItemWidget, which will add buttons for each item to sort and remove the item. """ item_widget = DynamicItemWidget() icon_add = "fa fa-plus" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize dynamic list widget.""" self.icon_add = kwargs.pop('icon_add', self.icon_add) self.item_widget = kwargs.pop('item_widget', self.item_widget) defaults = dict( html_tag='div', class_='dynamic-field-list', ) defaults.update(kwargs) super(DynamicListWidget, self).__init__(**defaults) def _add_button(self, field): """Render add button.""" label = getattr(field, 'add_label', None) or \ "Add %s" % field.label.text ctx = { "label": label, "icon_add_class": self.icon_add } return render_macro_from_template(name="add_button", template="forms/macros.html", ctx=ctx)
[docs] def item_kwargs(self, field, subfield): """Return keyword arguments for a field.""" return {'empty_index': field.empty_index}
[docs] def open_tag(self, field, **kwargs): """Render open tag.""" html = super(DynamicListWidget, self).open_tag(field, **kwargs) html += """<input %s>""" % html_params( + '-__last_index__', + '-__last_index__', type="hidden", value=field.last_index, ) return html
[docs] def close_tag(self, field, **kwargs): """Render close tag.""" html = self._add_button(field) html += super(DynamicListWidget, self).close_tag(field, **kwargs) return html
# # Radio input widgets #
[docs]class BigIconRadioInput(RadioInput): """Render a single radio button with icon. This widget is most commonly used in conjunction with InlineListWidget or some other listing, as a single radio button is not very useful. """ input_type = 'radio' def __init__(self, icons={}, **kwargs): """Initialize radio input widget with big icon.""" self.choices_icons = icons super(BigIconRadioInput, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __call__(self, field, **kwargs): """Render radio input.""" if field.checked: kwargs['checked'] = u'checked' html = super(BigIconRadioInput, self).__call__(field, **kwargs) icon = self.choices_icons.get(field._value(), '') if icon: html = """<i class="%s"></i><br />%s</br>%s""" % ( icon, field.label.text, html ) return html