Source code for inspirehep.modules.forms.field_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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"""Implementation of validators, post-processors and auto-complete functions.


Following is a short overview over how validators may be defined for fields.

Inline validators (always executed)::

    class MyForm(...):
        myfield = MyField()

        def validate_myfield(form, field):
            raise ValidationError("Message")

External validators (always executed)::

    def my_validator(form, field):
        raise ValidationError("Message")

    class MyForm(...):
            myfield = MyField(validators=[my_validator])

Field defined validators (always executed)::

    class MyField(...):
        # ...
        def pre_validate(self, form):
            raise ValidationError("Message")

Default field validators (executed only if external validators are not

    class MyField(...):
        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
            defaults = dict(validators=[my_validator])
            super(MyField, self).__init__(**defaults)

See for how to
write validators.

Post processors follows the same pattern as validators. You may thus specify:

- Inline processors:::

    Form.post_process_<field>(form, field)

- External processors:::

    def my_processor(form, field):
        myfield = MyField(processors=[my_processor])

- Field defined processors (please method documentation):::

    Field.post_process(self, form, extra_processors=[])


- External auto-completion function:::

    def my_autocomplete(form, field, limit=50):
        myfield = MyField(autocomplete=my_autocomplete)

- Field defined auto-completion function (please method documentation):::

    Field.autocomplete(self, form, limit=50)


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings

from wtforms import Field

from .form import CFG_FIELD_FLAGS

[docs]class INSPIREField(Field): """Base field that all webdeposit fields must inherit from.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize WebDeposit field. Every field is associated with a marc field. To define this association you have to specify the `export_key` for the recordext `Reader` or the `cook_function` (for more complicated fields). :param placeholder: str, Placeholder text for input fields. :param icon: Name of icon (rendering of the icon is done by templates) :type icon: str :param autocomplete: callable, A function to auto-complete values for field. :param processors: list of callables, List of processors to run for field. :param validators: list of callables, List of WTForm validators. If no validators are provided, validators defined in webdeposit_config will be loaded. :param hidden: Set to true to hide field. Default: False :type hidden: bool :param disabled: Set to true to disable field. Default: False :type disabled: bool :param export_key: Name of key to use during export :type export_key: str or callable :param preamble: Short text that should appear in before the field, usually meant for longer explanations. :type preamble: str :see for how to write validators. :see for further keyword argument that can be provided on field initialization. """ # Pop WebDeposit specific kwargs before calling super() self.placeholder = kwargs.pop('placeholder', None) = kwargs.pop('group', None) self.icon = kwargs.pop('icon', None) self.autocomplete = kwargs.pop('autocomplete', None) self.autocomplete_fn = kwargs.pop('autocomplete_fn', None) self.processors = kwargs.pop('processors', None) self.export_key = kwargs.pop('export_key', None) self.widget_classes = kwargs.pop('widget_classes', None) self.autocomplete_limit = kwargs.pop('autocomplete_limit', 20) self.readonly = kwargs.pop('readonly', None) self.preamble = kwargs.pop('preamble', None) # Initialize empty message variables, which are usually modified # during the post-processing phases. self._messages = [] self._message_state = '' # Get flag values (e.g. hidden, disabled) before super() call. # See CFG_FIELD_FLAGS for all defined flags. flag_values = {} for flag in CFG_FIELD_FLAGS: flag_values[flag] = kwargs.pop(flag, False) # Call super-constructor. super(INSPIREField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Set flag values after super() call to ensure, flags set during # super() are overwritten. for flag, value in flag_values.items(): if value: setattr(self.flags, flag, True) if callable(self.autocomplete): warnings.warn("Autocomplete functions use now " "'autocomplete_fn' attribute", DeprecationWarning) self.autocomplete_fn = self.autocomplete self.autocomplete = None def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Set custom keyword arguments when rendering field.""" if 'placeholder' not in kwargs and self.placeholder: kwargs['placeholder'] = self.placeholder if 'disabled' not in kwargs and self.flags.disabled: kwargs['disabled'] = "disabled" if 'class_' in kwargs and self.widget_classes: kwargs['class_'] = kwargs['class_'] + self.widget_classes elif self.widget_classes: kwargs['class_'] = self.widget_classes if self.autocomplete: kwargs['data-autocomplete'] = self.autocomplete kwargs['data-autocomplete-limit'] = self.autocomplete_limit elif self.autocomplete_fn: kwargs['data-autocomplete'] = "default" if self.readonly: kwargs['readonly'] = self.readonly return super(INSPIREField, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def reset_field_data(self, exclude=[]): """Reset the ```` value to that of ``field.object_data``. Usually not called directly, but rather through Form.reset_field_data() :param exclude: List of formfield names to exclude. """ if not in exclude: = self.object_data
[docs] def post_process(self, form=None, formfields=[], extra_processors=[], submit=False): """Post process form before saving. Usually you can do some of the following tasks in the post processing: * Set field flags (e.g. self.flags.hidden = True or form.<field>.flags.hidden = True). * Set messages (e.g. self.messages.append('text') and self.message_state = 'info'). * Set values of other fields (e.g. form.<field>.data = ''). Processors may stop the processing chain by raising StopIteration. IMPORTANT: By default the method will execute custom post processors defined in the webdeposit_config. If you override the method, be sure to call this method to ensure extra processors are called:: super(MyField, self).post_process( form, extra_processors=extra_processors ) """ # Check if post processing should run for this field if in formfields or not formfields: stop = False for p in (self.processors or []): try: p(form, self, submit=submit, fields=formfields) except StopIteration: stop = True break if not stop: for p in (extra_processors or []): p(form, self, submit=submit, fields=formfields)
[docs] def perform_autocomplete(self, form, name, term, limit=50): """Run auto-complete method for field. This method should not be called directly, instead use Form.autocomplete(). """ if name == and self.autocomplete_fn: return self.autocomplete_fn(form, self, term, limit=limit) return None
[docs] def add_message(self, msg, state=None): """Add a message. :param msg: The message to set :param state: State of message; info, warning, error, success. """ self._messages.append(msg) if state: self._message_state = state
[docs] def set_flags(self, flags): """Set field flags.""" field_flags = flags.get(, []) for check_flag in CFG_FIELD_FLAGS: setattr(self.flags, check_flag, check_flag in field_flags)
@property def messages(self): """Retrieve field messages.""" if self.errors: return { dict( state='error', messages=self.errors )} else: return { dict( state=getattr(self, '_message_state', ''), messages=self._messages )}